[Abstract]:In order to understand the genotypic differences and the general structural characteristics of molecular typing of Streptococcus actinosus (S.agalactiae) from human, bovine and rabbit origin, 30 S.agalactiae isolated from human, bovine and rabbit from 2012 to 2015 were identified on the basis of cfb gene identification. The comparison of genotypes and molecular characteristics between capsular polysaccharide molecular serotype (CPS), (MLST) and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that both bovine and rabbit S.agalactiae were Ia serotypes, and the results showed that both bovine and rabbit S.agalactiae were Ia serotypes, and the results of PCR showed that both bovine and rabbit S.agalactiae were Ia serotypes. Human Streptococcus actinosus includes two serotypes, Ia and III, of which Ia serotype is the main serotype. Eight STs sequence types (ST7,ST10,ST19,ST61,ST103,ST199,ST486,ST651) and six clone groups (CC7,CC10,CC19,CC23,CC61,CC103) were obtained by MLST typing, among which human S.agalactiae had the most STs and clone group typing. It can be divided into 18 PFGE bands by PFGE cluster analysis, and there is great difference in genotyping among different animal-derived S.agalactiae. There was no significant correlation between serotype, STs sequence type, PFGE band type and host origin. The strains from different sources can belong to serotype Ia, and all Ia serotypes can be distributed in different STs sequence types and PFGE banding types. Human S.agalactiae, which was classified as Ia/ST651, was a clone derivative of Ia/ST103 bovine S.agalactiae in the clone cluster of MLST, and CC103,Ia/ST651 of the same clone group was only the product of the change of the single site of Ia/ST103, and the same clone group CC103,Ia/ST651 was the product of the variation of the single site of Ia/ST103. The possibility of cross-infection is deduced from the similarity of molecular level. This study provides evidence for the effective prevention and treatment of mastitis in dairy cows.
【作者单位】: 四川农业大学动物医学院;
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