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发布时间:2019-04-09 14:15
【摘要】:犬瘟热(Canine distemper,CD)是一种宠物临床上常见的传染病,病死率较高,宿主范围可从犬科到鼬科、大小熊猫等各种食肉目动物,对动物和人类经济都造成巨大危害。犬瘟热患犬临床上表现为呼吸型、消化型、神经型等多系统症状,其中呼吸型症状较多见,在影像学上可呈现出肺炎征象。本试验通过人工复制犬瘟热病例,并对这些病例的胸部X光影像进行全程跟踪拍摄,结合病犬的临床症状、病理剖检和病理组织学检查结果,分析呼吸型犬瘟热病程发展过程中的胸部影像学变化及其与临床和病理学变化的关系,为临床上犬瘟热的诊断和分析提供参考依据。研究主要分为以下两个部分:一、犬瘟热人工感染试验。为了研究呼吸型犬瘟热的胸部影像变化,需进行犬瘟热病例的人工复制试验。本试验从临床上有典型呼吸症状的犬瘟热病例中采集病料,制备成攻毒样品,进行幼犬的人工感染试验。病料A来自患病犬的眼鼻和唾液的拭子液,病料B来自另一只死亡犬的脏器研磨液,通过肌肉注射、皮下注射和滴鼻的方式分别对两组幼犬进行攻毒。结果:用病料B攻毒的一组实验犬发病率较高,患病犬表现出典型的犬瘟热症状,可以作为呼吸型犬瘟热胸部影像学的研究对象。二、呼吸型犬瘟热幼犬的胸部影像学观察。选取上一试验中感染了犬瘟热的幼犬作为研究对象,进行体温、血常规等各项临床检查,并对实验犬攻毒前以及攻毒后的胸部X光影像进行全程跟踪拍摄,以示病程发展过程中的胸部影像学变化,并对死亡犬进行病理剖检和病理组织学检查。结果:呼吸型犬瘟热患犬的胸部X光影像主要表现为支气管肺炎征象,严重时表现为融合性支气管肺炎;肺部影像与病理变化之间存在相互对应的关系,肺部的炎症可以造成肺组织密度的增加,从而在病变部位使肺部影像呈现相应的密度增高影;整个病程发展过程中肺炎影像出现和消失的时间并不能与临床上犬呼吸系统症状出现和消失的时间完全对应。总结:利用临床上采集的CDV野毒病料成功感染了一组幼犬,人工复制出犬瘟热病例,且患病幼犬表现出典型犬瘟热症状;对复制出的犬瘟热病例进行胸部X光影像的全程跟踪拍摄,得到呼吸型犬瘟热幼犬在病程发展过程中胸部影像的动态变化过程,总结出该病胸部影像变化的主要特征及该变化与临床和病理学变化的关系。
[Abstract]:Canine distemper (Canine distemper,CD) is a common clinical infectious disease of pets with high mortality. The host range can range from canines to weasels, pandas and other carnivores, causing great harm to animals and human economy. The clinical manifestation of canine distemper fever is respiratory type, digestive type, nerve type and so on, among which respiratory type is more common, and pneumonia can be seen in imaging. Through artificial reproduction of canine distemper cases, the chest X-ray images of these cases were tracked and photographed in the whole course. The results of clinical symptoms, pathological examination and histopathological examination were combined with the results of clinical symptoms, pathological examination and histopathological examination of canine distemper. To analyze the changes of chest imaging in the course of respiratory canine distemper and its relationship with clinical and pathological changes in order to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and analysis of canine distemper. The study is divided into the following two parts: first, canine distemper artificial infection test. In order to study the changes of chest images of respiratory canine distemper, artificial replication tests of canine distemper cases were carried out. In this study, samples were collected from canine distemper cases with typical respiratory symptoms, and infected samples were prepared for artificial infection test in young dogs. Material A came from the swabs of the eyes, nose and saliva of the sick dog, and the material B of the disease came from the grinding fluid of the organs of another dead dog. The dogs in the two groups were challenged by intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection and nasal drip respectively. Results: the incidence of a group of experimental dogs infected with material B was higher, and the sick dogs showed typical symptoms of canine distemper, which could be used as the research object of chest imaging of respiratory canine distemper fever. Second, chest imaging observation of respiratory canine distemper. Selected the dogs infected with canine distemper in the previous experiment as the research object, carried on the body temperature, the blood routine and so on clinical examination, and carried on the whole course follow-up to the chest X-ray image of the experimental dog before and after the virus attack. In order to show the changes of chest imaging during the course of disease, the dead dogs were examined pathologically and histologically. Results: the chest X-ray images of dogs with respiratory canine distemper fever were mainly manifested as bronchopneumonia and fusion bronchopneumonia in severe cases. There is a corresponding relationship between lung imaging and pathological changes. Inflammation of the lung can increase the density of the lung tissue, and thus make the lung image show a corresponding increase in density in the lesion site. The time of appearance and disappearance of pneumonia images in the whole course of disease was not exactly the same as the time of onset and disappearance of respiratory symptoms in dogs. Summary: a group of dogs were infected successfully with the CDV wild virus material collected in clinic, and the cases of canine distemper were reproduced artificially, and the sick dogs showed typical symptoms of canine distemper. The chest X-ray images of the replicated canine distemper cases were tracked and photographed, and the dynamic changes of the chest images of respiratory canine distemper pups during the course of the disease were obtained. The main features of chest imaging changes and the relationship between these changes and clinical and pathological changes were summarized.


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