[Abstract]:in ord to find out that difference between the quality and the nutritional components of the egg quality and the nutritional components of the long tail chicken and the brown egg in the local variety dam in the distribution system, the effect of the feeding mode in the quality of the eggs and the nutrient components is clearly defined, A total of 12 farmers (equivalent to 12 replicates) were selected in 5 natural villages in Changliang Township, the county, Hebei, Hebei Province. At the age of 40 weeks, fresh eggs were collected for 3 days,40 of each household (20 of the long tail-tailed chickens on the dam,20 in the sea and 20 in the sea), and 480 were used for the analysis of fatty acid, cholesterol, trace elements, V _ A, V _ E, V _ (B1) and V _ (B2), as well as the determination of egg quality and the dry matter and crude protein in the egg. Analysis of crude fat and calcium and phosphorus. Results: There was a significant difference in egg weight, egg weight, protein level, egg shell strength, protein and egg yolk ratio in two varieties (P0.05), and there was no significant difference in the content of fatty acid or unsaturated fatty acid in the two varieties (P0.05). The fat-soluble V _ A and V _ E were not significantly different from those of the two varieties (P0.05), while the content of V _ (B1) and V _ (B2) in the eggs of the long-tailed chicken in the dam was significantly higher than that of the white-tail-brown egg (P0.05); the water content of the eggs of the long-tailed chicken in the dam was lower than that of the yellow-brown layer (P0.05). The results showed that there was no significant difference in the nutritional components of egg V _ (B1) and V _ (B2) except the content of V _ (B1) and V _ (B2).
【作者单位】: 河北科技师范学院动物科技学院;
【基金】:河北省现代农业攻关计划(15226302D) 河北省现代农业产业技术体系蛋鸡产业创新团队
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