[Abstract]:The buffalo is an important domestic animal in our country. At present, research on the origin of buffalo has involved in the aspects of archaeology, morphology and molecular genetics. But it is still necessary to study the genetic diversity of the Y-chromosome molecule to provide the genetic evidence of the origin of the father of the buffalo. In this study, a total of 196 bulls were used as the research object in 10 Chinese swamp buffaloes, and the published 42 pairs of Y-STR markers were used to screen the Y-STR polymorphic markers of buffalo. And a reliable buffalo Y-STR polymorphic marker is obtained by using the international advanced fluorescent Y-STR typing technology. Yak is an ancient Chinese species, and has an irreplaceable ecological economic status in the animal husbandry economy of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is an important natural resource, ecological resource and economic resources, and is also an important part of the cattle gene bank of the cattle family. It is of great significance to study the genetic diversity of different yak breeds from the Y chromosome angle. In this study, the Y-STR markers of 8 yellow cattle were selected to obtain a reliable Y-STR polymorphic marker. China has the most abundant genetic resources in the world, ranking the first in the world, but the study of the genetic diversity of the species of the horse from the father's genetic (i.e., Y chromosome) angle is less, and the Chinese horse Y-SNP study is much less, and the Y-SNP is not found. The genetic diversity of the Y chromosome of the horse variety is revealed, which will provide a theoretical basis for the establishment of the genetic diversity database of the horse variety and the improvement of the breeding. The molecular genetic diversity of 13 Chinese horse breeds in 4 pairs of Y-chromosome SNP markers was analyzed. In this study, the molecular genetic diversity of buffalo, yak and horse Y was analyzed, and the following main results were obtained:1. The selection of Y-STRs and genetic diversity of water buffalo (1) selection of yellow cattle 42 to the Y-STR markers and the selection of Y-STR markers for buffalo groups, and the preliminary finding of 35 pairs of Y-STR markers for buffalo Y chromosome-specific markers,12 pairs (UMN0108, UMN2008, UMN0705, UMN0907, UMN1113, INRA126, BC1.2, UMN2713, UNU2908, PBR1F1, UMN2001, INRA189) were polymorphic in buffaloes. In addition,7 pairs of Y-STR markers (UMN2303, UMN2405, UMN0929, UMN0803, UMN0301, UMN1307, UMN1514) are not microsatellite markers specific to the Y chromosome of the buffalo. (2) The results of fluorescent Y-STR typing show that 3 pairs of markers (INRA189, PB1F1 and UMN2001) have a polymorphism in different varieties of buffalo, indicating that the Y-STR polymorphic marker screened by the conventional silver staining method has certain reliability. (3) Chinese buffalo had a high Y-STR polymorphism, and the cluster analysis showed that the Chinese buffalo had 2 paternal origins. The selection and genetic diversity of Yak Y-STRs (1) were used to test the specificity of 2 taxa and 8 Y-STR markers of Yak in Qinghai Plateau. The five Y-STR markers (BM861, BYM-1, INRA126, UMN0307 and UMN0103) were not specific microsatellite markers of Yak Y chromosome. One marker (INRA124) has no amplification product in yak group, and 2 markers (INRA189 and UMN2404) are specific microsatellite markers of Yak Y chromosome and have polymorphism. (2) The results of fluorescent Y-STR typing show that 2 markers (INRA189 and UMN2404) are specific microsatellite markers of Yak Y chromosome and have polymorphism. The first time that the UMN2404 marker can be used to study the genetic diversity of Y chromosome in Yak. (3) The Y-STR polymorphism between the two groups of Yak and the Yak in Qinghai plateau was lower, and there were no obvious genetic differentiation between the two groups. Three Y-SNPs (Y-45701/997, G-T mutation, Y-50869, T-A mutation, Y-45288, T-base deletion) were found in Chinese horses for the first time. (2) In these three Y-SNPs sites, the Y-SNP polymorphism of Chinese horse is lower than that in Europe and America. The horse in the northwest of China has a higher Y-SNP polymorphism.
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