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发布时间:2019-07-02 20:57
【摘要】:犊牛的胃肠道发育关系到犊牛对饲料的采食以及营养物质的转化和吸收,对犊牛的生长发育和日后的生产性能具有重要意义。反刍动物瘤胃中存在系统的微生物区系和相应的发酵产物,它们与瘤胃的发育相互作用,相互影响。尽早地让犊牛瘤胃发育可以让犊牛快速适应粗饲料,提早断奶日龄,提高经济效益等。本试验旨在通过给新生犊牛灌服健康成年牛的瘤胃液的途径进行微生物的人工接种,研究其对犊牛的生长性能和胃肠道发育的影响。本论文从以下几个部分进行相关试验:1.研究了灌服瘤胃液对犊牛的生长性能包括体重、体尺、采食量、饲料转化率以及腹泻率的影响。试验选择了体重相近,健康状况良好的20头新生荷斯坦公犊牛,采用完全随机试验设计,将犊牛分为2组:瘤胃液灌服组(RD)和灭菌瘤胃液灌服组(AD)即对照组,两组日粮和饲喂模式一致。试验期77天,每天记录犊牛采食量和腹泻情况,从犊牛出生起每周称量体重,测量体尺,计算平均日增重和饲料转化率。灌服用的瘤胃液采集自两头成年健康安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的奶牛,分别在犊牛出生第3日龄、7日龄、21日龄、42日龄和50日龄进行5次灌服,每次相应的灌服量为100,200,300,400和500mL,其中RD组的瘤胃液直接灌服,AD组的瘤胃液灌服前先经过高压灭菌。试验结果发现,灌服瘤胃液对犊牛的生长性能没有显著影响,RD组和AD组犊牛的体重、体高、体斜长、胸围、管围、采食量、平均日增重和饲料转化率均没有显著差异(P0.05),但RD组犊牛的腹泻率却显著低于AD组(P0.05)。2.研究了灌服瘤胃液对犊牛胃肠道发酵功能以及小肠内消化酶的活性的影响。试验设计同第一部分,所有犊牛在77日龄时进行宰杀。试验结果发现,灌服瘤胃液对犊牛瘤胃内的pH、VFA和NH3-N的浓度,小肠内的胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶、脂肪酶、乳糖酶、α-淀粉酶的活性以及大肠内的VFA浓度均无影响(P0.05),但是显著降低了瘤胃内乙酸与丙酸的比例(P = 0.03)以及盲肠乙酸与丙酸的比例(P = 0.03),另外结肠乙酸/丙酸也有降低的趋势(P= 0.09)。3.研究了灌服瘤胃液对犊牛胃肠道结构发育的影响。试验设计同第一部分,通过对复胃的重量、小肠的长度、瘤胃和小肠上皮的显微结构研究灌服瘤胃液后所产生的差异。试验结果发现,灌服瘤胃液除了提高了十二指肠的绒毛高度(P = 0.02),整个复胃和瘤胃的重量,小肠长度,瘤胃乳头的长度和宽度,十二指肠的隐窝深度以及小肠其他肠段的绒毛高度和隐窝深度均不受影响(P0.05)。综上,本试验中瘤胃液的灌服作为给犊牛瘤胃接种微生物的方式,并没有对犊牛的生长性能以及瘤胃和小肠的发育产生显著影响,但却改变了瘤胃的发酵模式,并对犊牛早期的腹泻发病具有一定的抑制作用,说明犊牛瘤胃可能由于瘤胃液的灌服而使微生物提早定植或者是受到了灌服瘤胃液的微生物或化学物质的影响而使瘤胃内环境发生改变。
[Abstract]:The gastrointestinal development of calves is related to the feed intake and nutrient transformation and absorption of calves, and is of great significance to the growth and development of calves and the future performance of calves. There are systematic microbial flora and corresponding fermentation products in rumen of ruminants, which interact with rumen development and interact with each other. The rumen development of calves as soon as possible can make calves adapt to roughage quickly, advance weanling age, improve economic benefit and so on. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of microbial inoculation on the growth performance and gastrointestinal development of newborn calves by injecting rumen juice into rumen juice of healthy adult calves. In this paper, the related experiments are carried out from the following parts: 1. The effects of rumen juice on the growth performance of calves, including body weight, body size, feed intake, feed conversion rate and diarrhea rate, were studied. Twenty newborn Holstein calves with similar weight and good health were selected. The calves were divided into two groups: rumen juice administration group (RD) and sterilized rumen juice administration group (AD). The diet and feeding mode of the two groups were the same. During the experimental period of 77 days, the feed intake and diarrhea of calves were recorded every day. The body weight was weighed every week from the birth of calves, the body size was measured, and the average daily weight gain and feed conversion rate were calculated. The rumen juice was collected from two healthy adult cows with permanent rumen fistula. The calves were given 5 times at the 3rd day of birth, 7 days old, 21 days old, 42 days old and 50 days old, respectively. The corresponding dosage was 100200300400 and 500ml, in which the rumen juice of RD group was directly perfused, and the rumen fluid of AD group was sterilized by high pressure before administration. The results showed that rumen juice had no significant effect on the growth performance of calves. There were no significant differences in body weight, body height, oblique length, chest circumference, tube circumference, feed intake, average daily gain and feed conversion rate between RD group and AD group, but the diarrhea rate of RD group was significantly lower than that of AD group (P 0.05). The effects of rumen juice on gastrointestinal fermentation and digestive enzyme activity in calves were studied. The experimental design was the same as the first part, in which all calves were slaughtered at 77 days of age. The results showed that rumen juice had no effect on the concentration of pH,VFA and NH3-N in rumen, the activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, lactase, 伪-amylase in small intestine and the concentration of VFA in large intestine (P 0.05), but significantly decreased the ratio of acetic acid to propionic acid in rumen (P = 0.003) and the ratio of acetic acid to propionic acid in cecum (P = 0.003). In addition, acetic acid / propionic acid in colon also decreased (P = 0.09). The effect of rumen juice on gastrointestinal structure of calves was studied. In the first part of the experiment, the difference between rumen juice and rumen juice was studied by studying the weight of stomach, the length of small intestine and the microstructure of rumen and small intestinal epithelial cells. The results showed that rumen juice had no effect on the villi height (P = 0.02), the weight of the whole stomach and rumen, the length and width of rumen nipples, the depth of recess in the duodenum and the villi height and recess depth in other intestinal segments of the small intestine (P < 0.05), except for the villi height (P = 0.02), the weight of the whole stomach and rumen, the length and width of rumen nipples. In summary, rumen juice administration as a way of inoculating microbes into the rumen of calves did not have a significant effect on the growth performance of calves and the development of rumen and small intestine, but it changed the fermentation mode of rumen and inhibited the incidence of diarrhea in calves to a certain extent. It is suggested that the rumen of calves may be planted early due to the administration of rumen juice, or the rumen environment may be changed due to the influence of microorganisms or chemicals infused with rumen juice.


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