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发布时间:2019-07-07 07:35
【摘要】:本论文通过饲喂补充必需氨基酸的低蛋白日粮来研究其对生长猪生长性能、N平衡及营养物质表观消化率的影响。试验一:选择60日龄左右、平均体重23.5±1.38kg的三元杂交(杜×长×大)猪192头,按日龄、体重、性别基本一致的原则随机分为4组,每组6栏,每栏8头,试验期为35d。试验采用玉米、豆粕及DDGS为主要原料,参考NRC(2012)以及理想氨基酸模型,应用标准回肠可消化氨基酸及净能体系配制日粮。生长猪日粮CP水平依次为17%、16%、15%和14%,平衡Lys、Met、Thr、Trp、Val等必需氨基酸。试验以17%蛋白水平日粮为对照组,其余各组为试验组。消化试验以三氧化二铬(Cr2O3)为指示剂,以栏为单位进行粪样采集。本试验的主要结果如下:1.饲喂低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮的生长猪相比于对照组其生长性能没有显著的变化(p0.05)。补充Lys、Met、Thr、Trp、Val等必需氨基酸的前提下,日粮CP水平降低到14%不影响生长猪的生长性能。2.低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮能够降低粪N和粪P的含量,提高N、P、Ca的表观消化率。日粮CP水平降低到14%和15%时,粪中N含量分别较CP17%组降低了7.4%和6.2%;CP14%、CP15%和CP16%的日粮粪中P的含量分别比CP17%组下降了1.5%、6.0%、3.8%,且CP15%与CP17%之间差异显著(p0.05);饲喂CP15%的日粮P的表观消化率显著提高(p0.05);CP14%和CP16%的日粮Ca的表观消化率明显高于CP17%组,较CP17%组分别提高6.4%和4.7%(p0.05),CP15%的日粮Ca的表观消化率高于CP17%组,但与CP17%组无显著性差异(p0.05)。3.低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮能够明显提高EE、CF、DM和Ash的表观消化率。CP14%和CP 15%的日粮粪中EE含量较CP17%组分别下降了22.4%和20.2%,EE表观消化率均与CP17%组存在极显著差异(p0.01);CP14%和CP 15%的日粮CF表观消化率最高,且与CP17%组间有极显著差异(p0.01),分别较CP17%组高17.4%和16.7%;DM的表观消化率随日粮粗蛋白水平的降低而升高,其中CP14%的日粮DM表观消化率最高CP15%和CP16%的日粮次之,且均与CP17%组有极显著差异(p0.01);CP14%和CP15%的日粮粪中Ash含量极显著低于CP17%组(p0.01),且两组Ash的表观消化率最高,与CP17%组间存在极显著差异(p0.01),分别较CP17%组提高了28.5%和31.0%,CP 16%的日粮与CP17%组间也存在极显著差异(p0.01)。试验二:试验选择50日龄、体重相近、健康状况良好、遗传背景相近的长大二元杂交阉公猪28头,随机分组,按体重、遗传背景基本一致的原则将试验动物分为4个处理组,每组7个重复,每个重复1头生长猪。试验日粮与试验设计同试验一。从试验第15d开始进行为期5d的N平衡试验,用全收粪尿法收集粪尿。结果表明:降低日粮粗蛋白水平并平衡氨基酸能够极显著降低尿N和总N的排放量(p0.01);降低日粮粗蛋白水平使N的表观生物学价值显著提高(p0.05);摄入N总量随着蛋白质水平的降低而降低(p0.05),但各组沉积N量、沉积N/摄入N以及N的粪排泄率差异不显著(p0.05);日粮蛋白质水平不影响N表观消化率(p0.05)。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the effects of low protein diet supplemented with essential amino acids on growth performance, N balance and apparent digestibility of nutrients in growing pigs were studied. Experiment 1: 192 ternary crossbred pigs (du 脳 long 脳 large) with an average weight of 23.5 卤1.38kg were randomly divided into 4 groups according to the principle of age, body weight and sex, with 6 columns in each group and 8 pigs in each column. The experimental period was 35 days. Corn, soybean meal and DDGS were used as main raw materials, NRC (2012) and ideal amino acid model were used to prepare diet with standard ileal digestible amino acid and net energy system. The dietary CP levels of growing pigs were 17%, 16%, 15% and 14%, respectively. the essential amino acids such as Lys,Met,Thr,Trp,Val were balanced. 17% protein level diet was used as the control group and the other groups as the experimental group. Chromium trioxide (Cr2O3) was used as indicator and fecal samples were collected in column. The main results of this experiment are as follows: 1. There was no significant change in growth performance between the growing pigs fed with low protein amino acid balanced diet and the control group (p0.05). On the premise of supplementation of essential amino acids such as Lys,Met,Thr,Trp,Val, the decrease of dietary CP level to 14% did not affect the growth performance of growing pigs. 2. Low protein amino acid balanced diet could reduce the content of fecal N and P, and increase the apparent digestibility of Ca. When the dietary CP level decreased to 14% and 15%, the N content in feces decreased by 7.4% and 6.2% when compared with the CP17% group, and the P content in the diet feces of CP15% and CP16% decreased by 1.5%, 6.0% and 3.8%, respectively, and there was a significant difference between CP15% and CP17% (p0.05), and the apparent digestibility of dietary P fed with CP15% was significantly increased (p0.05). The apparent digestibility of dietary Ca in CP14% and CP16% group was significantly higher than that in CP17% group, which was 6.4% and 4.7% higher than that in CP17% group (p0.05). The apparent digestibility of Ca in CP15% group was higher than that in CP17% group, but there was no significant difference between CP15% group and CP17% group (p0.05). The apparent digestibility of EE,CF,DM and Ash was significantly increased by low protein amino acid balanced diet. The content of EE in diet feces of CP14% and CP 15% was 22.4% and 20.2% lower than that of CP17% group, respectively, and the apparent digestibility of EE was significantly different from that of CP17% group (p0.01). The apparent digestibility of dietary CF of CP14% and CP15% was the highest, which was significantly different from that of CP17% group (p0.01). The apparent digestibility of DM was 17.4% and 16.7% higher than that of CP17% group, respectively, with the decrease of dietary crude protein level, and the apparent digestibility of DM in CP14% group was the highest, and that of CP15% and CP16% group was the second, and there was significant difference between CP14% group and CP17% group (p0.01). The content of Ash in diet feces of CP14% and CP15% was significantly lower than that of CP17% group (p0.01), and the apparent digestibility of Ash in the two groups was the highest, which was significantly different from that in CP17% group (p0.01), which was 28.5% and 31.0% higher than that in CP17% group, and there was also significant difference between CP 16% diet and CP17% group (p0.01). Experiment 2: 28 long binary hybrid castrated boars aged 50 days, with similar body weight, good health and similar genetic background, were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups with 7 repeats in each group and 1 growing pig in each group according to the principle that the body weight and genetic background were basically the same. The experimental diet is the same as the experimental design. The N balance test was carried out for 5 days from the 15th day of the experiment, and the feces and urine were collected by the method of collecting feces and urine. The results showed that reducing dietary crude protein level and balancing amino acids could significantly reduce urinary N and total N emissions (p0.01), decrease dietary crude protein level significantly increased the apparent biological value of N (p0.05), and the total N intake decreased with the decrease of protein level (p0.05), but there was no significant difference in N deposition, N / N uptake and fecal excretion rate in each group (p0.05). Dietary protein level did not affect the apparent digestibility of N (p0.05).


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