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发布时间:2019-07-06 16:44
[Abstract]:Grazing is one of the main ways of the grassland ecosystem. Unreasonable grazing activity not only threatens the biological diversity and stability of the grassland ecosystem, but also can obviously change the structure and function of the grassland ecosystem and cause the loss of carbon and nitrogen. In recent years, although a large number of studies on the effects of grazing on the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the grassland ecosystem have been carried out worldwide, the general rules of grazing on the cycle of carbon and nitrogen, especially the underground process, still have a wide range of disputes. In this paper, through the setting of the standard,105 papers on the effects of grazing on the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the grassland ecosystem were selected from over 2,500 articles of the world, and the analysis database was established. the analysis database mainly comprises a plant ground carbon library, a plant underground carbon library, a soil carbon library, a litter material carbon pool, a microbial biomass carbon pool, a plant ground part nitrogen bank, a plant underground part nitrogen bank, a soil nitrogen bank, a litterfall nitrogen bank, a microbial biomass nitrogen bank and a soil carbon-nitrogen ratio, The parameters such as the carbon-nitrogen ratio, the microbial carbon-nitrogen ratio, the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the litters, the soil respiration flux, the soil net-nitrogen mineralization rate, the soil net-nitrogen nitrification rate, the soil bulk density, the soil pH value, the soil temperature and the soil humidity, and the like are the root system carbon-nitrogen ratio, the microbial carbon-nitrogen ratio, the litter-litter carbon-nitrogen ratio, the soil The general rule of the process of carbon and nitrogen cycling in the grassland ecosystem is analyzed in depth based on the database and the integral analysis method. The results showed that the grazing activity significantly reduced the carbon pool of soil, the carbon pool of the underground part of the plant, the amount of soil microbial biomass and the carbon pool of litters, with the reduction of 10.28, 13.72, 21.62 and 8.93%, respectively. The reduction was 13.38, 4.40, 24.40, and 10.39%, respectively; the reduction of the amount of microbial biomass and nitrogen was the largest compared to other parameters. In contrast, grazing significantly increased the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of the soil and the root system, but decreased the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of the microorganism and the litter. Grazing activity significantly increased the soil respiration flux of the grassland ecosystem, the net nitrogen mineralization and the nitrification rate of the soil, and the growth rate was 4.25, 30.63 and 12.88%, respectively. In addition, grazing activities increased soil bulk density, pH and temperature, but reduced soil moisture. Grazing density significantly changes the size or even the direction of the carbon-nitrogen cycle. The increase of the soil carbon pool and the soil nitrogen bank was 0.78% and 3.24%, respectively. However, the soil carbon pool and the soil nitrogen bank were significantly reduced with moderate and severe grazing, and the reduction of the soil carbon pool was 3.45% and 9.92%, respectively, and the reduction of the soil nitrogen bank was 8.41% and 13.04%, respectively. Similarly, mild grazing increased the carbon and nitrogen ratio of the underground part of the plant to 2.99% and 10.14%, respectively, and the medium and the severe decreased the underground carbon pool of the plant by 3.17% and 24.1%, the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the litter was 22.61% and 30.18%, respectively. In comparison with moderate and severe grazing, the reduction of microbial nitrogen and litter nitrogen under mild grazing is the largest. For flux, mild grazing significantly increased the respiration of the soil by 11.53%, but moderate and severe grazing significantly reduced the respiratory flux by 12.7% and 32.6%, respectively. The weighted response ratio of the soil net nitrogen mineralization rate was from 48.87% to 10.85% from mild to severe grazing. However, the effect of mild grazing on the Nitrification rate of the soil is not obvious, while the moderate and severe grazing significantly reduces the net nitrogen nitrification rate of the soil by 13.43% and 103.06%. The results of the study also show that the environmental factors such as biological and non-biological factors have a significant effect on the response of the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the grassland ecosystem to the grazing activities. Grazing disturbance in the semi-humid area/ wet area is significantly higher than that of the arid/ semi-arid area for the soil carbon pool, the plant underground carbon pool, the soil nitrogen bank and the plant underground nitrogen bank. Similarly, the weighted response ratio of the soil respiration in the semi-humid area/ wet zone was 0.099-0.023 (P0.01), slightly above the arid/ semi-arid area. In the arid/ semi-arid area, the response amplitude of the carbon pool and the litter carbon pool shows a more significant reduction in the half-humid area/ wet area. The different grazing types significantly changed the response and even the direction of most of the observed variables to the grazing activity. Grazing time and annual average temperature were significantly related to the response ratio of soil carbon bank and the response ratio of soil nitrogen bank. There was a significant correlation between the annual average rainfall and the response ratio of the soil carbon reservoir, but the correlation between the response ratio of the soil and the soil was not obvious. In addition, the response ratio of the soil carbon reservoir is positively related to the response ratio of the soil nitrogen bank. In general, grazing activities affect the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the grassland ecosystem on the global scale, and the distribution pattern of carbon and nitrogen in the ground and the ground is changed. Grazing density significantly changes the response and even response of different carbon and nitrogen banks to grazing activities. The effects of grazing density and climate factors on the process of carbon and nitrogen circulation should be considered in the future land ecosystem model in the prediction and assessment of the global carbon and nitrogen balance of the grassland ecosystem.


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