[Abstract]:Objective: through the screening of cervical cancer of Uygur women in Bachu County, Xinjiang, the status of the early diagnosis of cervical cancer and the basic information of the investigators in the screening area were understood. The screening methods of various cervical cancer were systematically evaluated, and the screening scheme and strategy of cervical cancer suitable for the low economic level in the rural areas of Xinjiang were explored. High risk human papillomavirus DNA HPV DNA (Cervista HR HPV DNA) was used to detect the value of HR-HPV in the prediction of cervical lesions in Uygur women. Methods: 5045 married women aged 20-65 years old in 6 townships in Bachu county were investigated. From March 1, 2014 to June 15, 2014, interviews were conducted to carry out women based groups. A questionnaire of this information (age, occupation, education, etc.), gynecologic examination, care HPV test, TLC cytology examination (TCT), acetic acid staining naked eye observation (VIA), iodine staining naked eye observation (VILI).Care HPV positive, TCT results for ASC-US and above lesions, VIA/VILI positive, one of the positive cervical biopsy under colposcopy First of all, the results of cervical cancer screening for Uygur women in Bachu county were first analyzed. Secondly, the sensitivity of various screening methods (Se), specificity (Se), area under ROC curve (AUC) and other screening methods were evaluated with the results of histopathology. The case was evaluated, the feasibility and the influencing factors were synthetically analyzed, and the cervical cancer screening strategy suitable for the backward rural areas in Xinjiang was explored. The Cervista HR HPV DNA detection of Uygur women in the 373 Uygur women in Bachu County, Xinjiang was tested and evaluated. The results were as follows: 1. The number of screening people in this study was 5000. The actual screening number of 5045 people completed the questionnaire survey and participated in the screening of cervical cancer, the completion rate was 100.9%, the education level of the screening subjects was generally low, the education level of the primary school and the following was 63.5%, the minimum age was 20 years and the maximum age was 65 years, the average age was 39.47 9.73 years old. In 11 cases of cervical cancer, 67 cases of CINII and above were found, the detection rate was 1.33%, the rate of early diagnosis was 85.1%. The incidence of 73.7%.HPV positive rate was higher than that of women above 9.93%.35 years old, and the incidence of low.HPV infection rate of the lower.HPV infection rate in women under 30 years of age of 30 years old was from 40-45 years old. The overall characteristics of the increasing trend.2. screening method: the Se and Sp of VIA/VILI were 53.2% and 68.7%, respectively, and Se and Sp of TCT were 65.6% and 85.0%., respectively, with the increase of pathological grade, and the positive rate of TCT examination also increased, the difference was statistically significant; HPV Se and Sp were 85.1% and 42.8% respectively. The positive rate of the fruit was also increasing, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). The colposcopy Se and Sp were 94.2% and 77.5%. respectively, the colposcopy sensitivity was the highest (94.2%), the sensitivity followed HPV (85.1%), the sensitivity of TCT was 65.6%, and the lowest sensitivity of VIA/VILI was TCT examination (85%).3.. Various screening methods were combined to form three types of cervical cancer screening program, and the first class of HPV and TCT combination of the three schemes for.HPV initial screening of TCT shunt curve area (compared HPV and TCT simultaneous detection, TCT initial sieving HPV shunt) maximum (0.794); in the second class, HPV DNA detection technique was used as the initial screening, Se, Sp was 85.1% and 42.8, respectively, Sp, respectively, respectively. The single TCT screening Se and Sp were 65.6% and 85% respectively. In the third classes, the initial screening of VIA/VILI, the initial sieve HPV diversion scheme, the VIA/VILI initial sieve TCT shunt scheme Se, Sp respectively 53.2%, 68.7% and 40.9%, 96.9% and 35.1%, 99.06%, VIA/VILI screening HPV shunt scheme 373 Uygur women in the.4.5045 screening program under the flow screening program ROC curve were detected by Cervista HR HPV. The rate of HR-HPV infection increased with the level of cytological diagnosis and pathological grade, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). The positive rate of A9 group in.373 case samples was higher than A5 in all groups of pathological positive and cytological positive groups. In group /A6, the infection rate of group A7 was high, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Conclusion: 1. Uygur women in Bachu County, Xinjiang, was 1.33%, and HPV infection rate (9.93%) was lower than that of other high incidence areas of cervical cancer in China. The incidence of CIN II in women above 35 years old was significantly higher, and the screening of cervical lesions should be screened. Women with sexual life greater than 30 years of age are more appropriate. The emphasis is on the value of.2. colposcopy for women over 35 years of age, better than the rest of the 3 methods, which can serve as the first choice for screening for cervical cancer, but requires professional technicians to promote difficulties in rural grass-roots level; TCT tests are high in requirements for professionals and facilities and in agriculture. The grass-roots level of the village is difficult to popularize. The sensitivity of care HPV to the detection of cervical lesions is higher than the colposcopy, because it is fast, simple, easy and cheap. It can be used as an effective screening method for the prevention of cervical cancer in rural and underdeveloped areas, and VIA/VILI is suitable for the screening of cervical cancer in rural grass-roots level in underdeveloped areas.3.HPV. The primary screening TCT shunt method is of the most valuable for screening cervical cancer in various combinations. However, because of the lack of medical and health resources in the rural areas of Xinjiang's backward economy, the screening method of VIA/VILI initial screening care HPV shunt can also be selected..4.Cervista HRHPV DNA detection has good consistency with care HPV detection, which can be used for clinical detection of HPV high. The risk subtype can be used as a sensitive shunt method for care HPV detection and TCT examination in large scale cervical cancer screening and screening of.HR-HPV infection groups. The A9 group is of high value for the prediction of CIN and cervical cancer in Uygur women.
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