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发布时间:2018-05-18 20:31

  本文选题:腰椎间盘突出症 + Wallis ; 参考:《桂林医学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the indirect measurement method and its clinical significance of interspinous process related area of lumbar spine by three-dimensional CT scan, and to provide reference data and clinical feasibility for interspinous dynamic stabilization system in the treatment of lumbar degenerative diseases in Chinese. To investigate the feasibility, surgical technique and clinical effect of interspinous dynamic stabilization system (Wallis) in the treatment of simple lumbar disc herniation. Methods the morphology of 52 patients with non-lumbar degenerative diseases was measured by GE64 slice CT scan. There were 26 males and 26 females without trauma, tumors and lumbar deformities. Aged 24-50 years (mean 34 卤4 years old), the distance between spinous process, apical distance of spinous process, basal height of spinous process, thickness of superior edge of spinous process, central thickness of spinous process and thickness of inferior edge of spinous process were measured by PACS system. All the measured data were measured three times and their mean values were taken. 10 patients with lumbar disc herniation admitted from September 2011 to September 2012, 10 patients with LDH underwent posterior fenestration of lumbar vertebrae and Wallis interspinous process implantation. Dynamic stabilization system fixation, The changes of VAS score, low back pain JOA score and Oswestry dysfunction index were observed before and after operation. Results the basal height of spinous process, the thickness of superior margin of spinous process and the central thickness of spinous process were lower than 0.05, and there was statistical significance between male and female. There was no statistical difference between male and female (P 0.1), and there was no significant difference between male and female in L45 segment (P < 0. 370.1). There was no significant difference between male and female. There was no significant difference in the thickness of spinous process between male and female, the thickness of spinous process was 0. 630.1 (P = 0. 280.1). The maximum distance between L23 segment and L45 segment was 11.3 卤2.63 mm in males and 7.83 卤0.92mm-1 in L12 segment, and the smallest distance was 6.34 卤1.63 mm in L12 segment in male and female segment, the DA and H of male and female increased first and then decreased, the maximum distance of male and female was L12 segment. The highest value of H in male was L3 (24.38 卤2.17mm-1) and that in female (L4) was 19.52 卤2.06mm.The thickness of spinous process was TITCTS in male and female, and the mean thickness of lower edge of each spinous process was higher than that of the corresponding upper edge of spinous process. The follow-up time was 3 ~ 13 months (mean 9 卤2 months). Postoperative pain disappeared, symptoms and signs improved significantly. After treatment, visual analog VAS score was significantly lower than that before operation (P 0.01), and low back pain JOA score was significantly increased compared with that before operation (P 0.01). Conclusion (1) the measured data were positively distributed in each group. The distance between spinous process, the apical distance of spinous process, the height of spinous process base and the thickness of spinous process were larger in male than in female, indicating that the spinous process of female was shorter and thinner than that of male. It reflects the anatomical characteristics of spinous process in Chinese and provides reference data for the application of interspinous process dynamic stabilization system. The clinical effect of Wallis interspinous process dynamic stabilization system in the treatment of simple lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is good.


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