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发布时间:2018-06-03 04:22

  本文选题:最大脂肪代谢强度 + 脊髓损伤 ; 参考:《中国康复医学杂志》2017年10期

【摘要】:目的:探究脊髓损伤患者在不同强度运动下的脂肪氧化速率。方法:选取30例无运动习惯的脊髓损伤(SCI)患者,所有受试者接受两次使用上肢功率车的递增运动负荷试验:基准测试(baseline test)和脂肪氧化强度测试(Fatmaxtest),两次测试中均进行呼吸气体分析。baseline test中起始功率5W,每3min递增10W,转速60rpm,直至患者力竭,测定此过程摄氧量(VO_2)和呼吸商(RQ)的变化。Fatmaxtest包括五级递增负荷,每级持续6min,起始负荷为5W,第五级负荷为baseline test中呼吸商为1时对应的负荷,其他三级按照两者之差的平均值进行计算,测算脂肪代谢速率的变化。结果:随着运动强度的增加,SCI患者脂肪氧化速率呈先升高后下降的趋势。在34.9%±2.3%VO_2peak运动强度下达到脂肪氧化率峰值(5.46±0.75)μmol/kg/min,之后随着运动强度的增加脂肪氧化率出现明显下降,在41.83±2.18、52.29±1.73、61.32±1.98%VO_2peak运动强度下脂肪氧化率依次为(3.92±0.69)μmol/kg/min、(2.85±0.61)μmol/kg/min、(0.58±0.19)μmol/kg/min(P0.05)。结论:在脊髓损伤患者的康复过程中,应当注重低强度运动的干预,使脂肪氧化速率最大化,降低肥胖在SCI患者中的发生率。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the fat oxidation rate of spinal cord injury patients under different intensity exercise. Methods: thirty patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) without exercise habit were selected. All subjects were subjected to two incremental exercise load tests using upper limb power vehicles: baseline test and fat max test. Both tests were performed with the initial power of 5 W in the respiratory gas analysis .baseline test, with a 10 W increase per 3min. 60 rpm, until the patient is exhausted, Determination of oxygen uptake in this process (VO _ 2) and respiratory quotient (RQ). Fatmaxtest included a five-stage incremental load, each stage lasting 6 minutes, the initial load was 5 W, and the fifth stage load was the corresponding load of respiratory quotient 1 in baseline test. The other three levels were calculated according to the average value of the difference between the two to calculate the change of fat metabolism rate. Results: with the increase of exercise intensity, the fat oxidation rate of sci patients increased first and then decreased. The peak of lipid oxidation rate reached 5.46 卤0.75 渭 mol / kg / min at 34.9% 卤0.75 渭 mol / kg / min, and then decreased significantly with the increase of exercise intensity. At 41.83 卤2.182.29 卤1.73 卤1.32 卤1.98%VO_2peak exercise intensity, the fat oxidation rate was 3.92 卤0.69 渭 mol / kg / min = 2.85 卤0.61 渭 mol / kg / min respectively. Conclusion: during the rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury, we should pay attention to the intervention of low intensity exercise, maximize the oxidation rate of fat and reduce the incidence of obesity in SCI patients.
【作者单位】: 江苏省靖江市人民医院;


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