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发布时间:2018-06-11 15:00

  本文选题:聚乳酸 + 纳米纤维 ; 参考:《现代纺织技术》2017年06期

[Abstract]:In order to improve the contact guidance of nanofiber nerve graft, a "core sheath" type nerve graft containing orientation nanofiber bundles was designed. It spun the high orientation nanofiber membrane by electrostatic spinning and formed the "core" and "sheath" two times. Finally, it was spout by electrostatic spinning. The fiber and its graft morphology were observed and characterized by scanning electron microscope. The mechanical properties were tested and the graft was applied to the 10mm sciatic nerve defect in rats. The effect was observed by the external stimulation and histology two months after the operation. The results showed that the high orientation polylactic acid nanofibers could be obtained by adjusting the rotational speed of the rotor spinning, and the stress and elongation of the nanofiber membrane can reach (49.32 + 14.83) MPa and 17.71. It is% + 0.06%. The suture of the nerve graft constructed by this membrane can reach (1.18 + 0.40) N/ needle and can support and protect the nerve regeneration. After two months of transplantation, the rat can perceive the heat and external stimulation. The histological observation found that the nerve fibers and blood cells grow into the nerve graft, which proves the feasibility of the construction and may be the nerve. The repair provides a new type of graft material.
【作者单位】: 江苏工程职业技术学院纺染工程学院;卑诗哥伦比亚大学材料工程系先进纤维材料实验室;卑诗哥伦比亚大学医学院动物与外科学系;
【基金】:江苏高校品牌专业建设工程(PPZY2015A093) 江苏省先进纺织工程技术中心项目(苏政办发2014[22]号) 江苏高校优秀中青年教师境外研修项目(苏教师[2012]6号) 南通市新型纤维材料重点实验室项目资助(CP12014003)


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