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发布时间:2018-11-05 12:35
[Abstract]:Objective: to establish the experimental animal model of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) (ACL) injury and ACL distraction preservation reconstruction and to compare the (ACL) in normal state and injured state with 3D finite element model of knee joint in normal rabbits. In order to evaluate the effect of ACL reconstruction, the biomechanics of knee joint was different in the condition of distraction and disability reconstruction. Methods: twenty normal male New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into two groups: control group and experimental group. The ACL of the experimental group was severed to establish the experimental animal model of ACL injury, and the broken ACL was reconstructed by distraction and disability. After 12 weeks, one of the 10 rabbits in the control group was randomly selected, and the knee joint spiral CT scan was performed, and the scan data were stored in reserve. Then the knee joint specimens of the control group and the experimental group were collected, and the relative data were obtained by tensile test on ACL. Finally, the three-dimensional finite element model of knee joint was established according to the spiral CT scan data. The finite element mechanical analysis was used to analyze and compare the internal and external tibia platform reconstruction of ACL in normal, injured and tensioned residual states. Biomechanical differences of medial meniscus and medial femoral condyle of knee joint. Results: there was no significant difference between the two groups. The results of tensile test showed that the maximum tensile force of rabbit ACL was (100.05 卤1.09) Ns, and that of reconstructed tendon was (38.11 卤5.04) N. the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P0.05). According to the spiral CT scanning data, the 3D finite element model of rabbit knee joint was successfully established. The results of tensile test were added to the finite element mechanical analysis. The results showed that the external and lateral tibia platform was reconstructed by ACL under three conditions: normal, injury and distraction residual. The biomechanical comparison of the medial meniscus and the medial and lateral femoral condyle of the knee joint was different: after ACL injury, the tibial plateau, the pressure of the medial meniscus and the medial femoral condyle of the knee joint increased by 23.3g and 23.3g, respectively. 39.8 and 32.3. After the extension and reconstruction of the ACL, the forces on all sides improved somewhat compared with those after the injury, but they were still increased by 19.3and 11.46.6and 10.7 respectively, as compared with the normal ones. 13.0 and 7.0. Conclusion: the biological properties of tendon grafts 12 weeks after ACL distraction and residual reconstruction were lower than those of normal ACL. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of knee joint showed that ACL could not completely recover the mechanical condition of knee joint after ACL injury, but it was better than that after ACL injury. The reconstruction of knee joint after ACL injury is necessary, but it still needs to be improved to improve the reconstruction effect of ACL.


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