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发布时间:2020-09-25 07:59


图a 图b 图c图1股骨远端离体骨肉瘤标本a为股骨远端离体后骨肉瘤沿股骨纵轴中间劈开大体图片 b为股骨远端离体后骨肉肿瘤与骨肿瘤部分分离后大体图片c为股骨远端离体后骨肉瘤将软组织肿瘤与骨肿后均匀切成多部分后多点取材前大体图片Fig.1 Specimens of isolated distal femur osteosarcomaA is a gross picture of distal femur osteosarcoma split along the middle of the longitudinal axis of tvitro osteosarcoma of the distal femur separates the soft tissue tumor from the bone tumor paosteosarcoma and c shows the distal femur osteosarcoma in vitro. Gross picture of soft tissue tumtumor after separating and evenly cutting into multiple parts and multiple points before sa2 灭活骨及软组织肿瘤大体观察生理盐水各时间点组织无明显变化,常温下 20%高渗盐组:软组织表现为组织水肿、颜色变白,骨组织变化不明显,65°20%高渗盐水随时组织肿瘤颜色表现出由弱到强的棕褐色,骨组织无明显变化。


After immersing in 0.9% normal saline for 45 minutes, the results showed that the tumor cells were abnuclear chromatin was deeply stained and other malignant tumor features, and no obvious cell necfound. The nuclei were concentrated in the field of field of vision at room temperature 20% hyperosm15 minutes, and the nuclear chromatin was deeply stained. Some cell structures were vague and cocompletely distinguish whether necrotic or necrotic, nuclear concentration at room temperaturehyperosmotic salt for 30 minutes, cytosolic eosinophilic change, loose connective tissue shrinkage of Hnuclear concentration, nucleolysis and cytoplasmic acidophilic change at room temperature 20% hypsalt for 45 minutes. The loose connective tissue was further shrinked, the cytoplasm was denatured byG, the nucleus was concentrated, dissolved, the cytoplasm was denatured, the cell volume was reduce400. H, and the nucleus was condensed and dissolved at 30 minutes by the Pap combination methoddegeneration occurred in cytoplasm and cell volume was reduced. He ×400. I was found in the unstnecrotic area of the cells. The area of nuclear dissolution was enlarged in 45 min by Pap's combined ma wide range of bubble degeneration appeared in the cytoplasm, and the cell volume was redu4 电镜下表现


细胞体积缩小,缩小细胞外围常可见一围绕细胞环状空白区,细胞核及染色浓聚,细胞核染色质 HE 嗜碱性染色进一步增强,胞浆嗜酸性染色增强,总细胞坏率为 82.77%,以核浓缩及裸核为主,核碎裂及核溶解较少。30 分钟,肿瘤坏死为核浓缩,细胞胞浆嗜酸性变内部胞核浓缩进一步增强,且胞浆内部出现空泡样变性核碎裂及核溶解细胞出现严重破坏占比进一步增多,总坏死 100%,部分肿瘤细胞构模糊与对照细胞形态相似,但认为细胞内部已损伤、坏死,光镜下无法辨别,电镜进一步证实。45 分钟,细胞坏死仍以核浓缩为主,胞浆被 HE 染色嗜酸性进步增强,内部细胞核出现碎裂,约可见<3%片状无法辨别的伊红样嗜酸性染色结构总坏死率 100%。65℃20%高渗盐 15 分钟,肿瘤细胞仍以核浓缩坏死为主,核染质嗜碱性增强,可见 5%肿瘤坏死呈片状嗜酸性红染样溶解,总坏死率 92.03%。分钟,细胞坏死以核浓缩及核碎裂为主,核碎裂及核溶解较 15 分钟时进一步增胞浆呈强嗜酸性改变并出现空泡样改变,片状结构不清状坏死进一步增多,总坏率 100%,45 分钟,细胞坏死以核浓缩及核碎裂为主,核碎裂及核溶解较 30 分钟进一步增多,部分细胞于核浓缩细胞内可见白色空泡样变化。总坏死率 100%。(图 2)


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