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发布时间:2018-06-13 12:55

  本文选题:民族 + 半乳糖凝集素-3 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:了解新疆地区哈萨克族与汉族慢性心功能不全患者血清中半乳糖凝集素-3(galectin-3)表达水平和心脏结构、功能的变化及差异,探讨两民族心衰患者galectin-3与心脏结构和功能的关系。方法:选取就诊于石河子大学医学院第一附属医院心内科及急诊科的患者198人,其中哈萨克族心功能不全患者88例,男47例,女41例,年龄47~86(63.59±11.82)岁,汉族心功能不全患者70例,男39例,女31例,年龄44~89(68.11±10.34)岁,哈萨克族对照组20人,男10例,女10例,年龄45~88(62.11±10.12)岁;汉族对照组20人,男11例,女9例,年龄45~83(66.25±10.32)岁。根据美国Framingham心衰诊断标准和纽约心脏病协会(New York Heart Association,NYHA)分级标准对心衰患者进行诊断和分级,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)法测定galectin-3水平,应用心脏彩色多普勒超声检查心脏结构和功能。采用SPSS17.0统计软件对结果进行分析,以P0.05认为有统计学差异。结果:(1)哈萨克族与汉族对照组血清中galectin-3无明显差异[(4.66±2.17)vs(4.78±2.06)ng/ml,P0.05];(2)哈萨克族与汉族心功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级患者血清中galectin-3均高于对照组[(8.51±2.51)vs(4.66±2.17)ng/ml,(7.36±2.82)vs(4.78±2.06)ng/ml,P0.05];(3)哈萨克族心功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级患者galectin-3水平均高于同级汉族心衰患者[(8.51±2.51)vs(7.36±2.82)ng/ml,(11.62±3.03)vs(9.27±3.96)ng/ml,(14.69±3.04)vs(12.06±3.06)ng/ml,P0.05];(4)哈萨克族心衰组左房内径(LAD)、左室舒张末内径(LVEDD)均较汉族心衰组大[(40.72±5.70)vs(35.23±6.85)mm,50(47 52)vs(47.91±8.42)mm,P0.05],左室射血分数(LVEF)较汉族心衰组低[59(42 63)vs 62(51 67)%,P0.05];(5)哈萨克族和汉族心衰组galectin-3均与LAD、LVEDD呈正相关,与LVEF呈负相关,且与哈萨克族心衰组相关性更高[(r1=0.31,P0.01)vs(r2=0.25,P0.05);(r3=0.36,P0.01)vs(r4=0.34,P0.01)(r5=-0.407,P0.01)vs(r6=-0.285,P0.05)]。结论:(1)无论是哈萨克族还是汉族心功能不全患者血清中Galectin-3的表达均明显高于各自民族的对照组水平,说明心功能不全时两民族Galectin-3表达都会升高,Galectin-3可以用于心功能不全的早期诊断。(2)哈萨克族和汉族心功能不全患者Galectin-3的表达水平均随着NYHA心功能分级的升高而升高,说明随着心功能不全程度的加剧,Galectin-3的表达也升高,galectin-3可用于心功能不全病情严重程度的评估。(3)哈萨克族与汉族对照族galectin-3表达无明显异常,而哈萨克族心功能NYHAⅠ~Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级均较汉族心功能不全者高,说明galectin-3可用于同民族心衰病情严重程度的评估,对于其他民族的评估无意义。(4)同级哈萨克族心功能不全患者LAD、LVEDD均汉族心功能不全患者高,而LVEF较汉族患者低,说明哈萨克族心功能不全心脏重构程度较同级汉族严重,而相关性分析显示,无论是哈萨克族还是汉族,galectin-3都与LAD、LVEDD成正相关,与LVEF成负相关,而galectin-3与哈萨克族LAD、LVEDD、LVEF的相关性更高,说明galectin-3对哈萨克族心功能不全患者心脏重塑严重程度的评估更准确。
[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the level of serum galactectin -3 (galectin-3) expression and cardiac structure, function changes and differences in serum of the Kazak and Han patients with chronic heart failure in Xinjiang, and to explore the relationship between galectin-3 and cardiac structure and function in two people with heart failure. Methods: select the first affiliated medicine in Medical College of Shihezi University. There were 198 patients in the hospital department of Cardiology and emergency department, including 88 cases of Kazak heart failure, 47 male and 41 female, age 47~86 (63.59 + 11.82) years, 70 cases of Han heart dysfunction, 39 men, 31 women, age of 68.11 + 10.34 years, Kazak group 20, male 10, female, 45~88, and Han control. Group 20, male 11, female 9, age 45~83 (66.25 + 10.32) years old. According to the standard of Framingham heart failure diagnosis and New York heart disease association (New York Heart Association, NYHA) classification criteria for diagnosis and classification of patients with heart failure, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method was used to determine the level of galectin-3, color Doppler echocardiography was used. The results were analyzed with SPSS17.0 statistical software, and the results were statistically analyzed with P0.05. Results: (1) there was no significant difference in serum galectin-3 between Kazak and Han control group [(4.66 + 2.17) vs (4.78 + 2.06) ng/ml, P0.05]; (2) the serum galectin-3 of the hassak and Han heart function class I ~ II patients were higher than those of the Han nationality. The control group [(8.51 + 2.51) vs (4.66 + 2.17) ng/ml, (7.36 + 2.82) vs (4.78 + 2.06) ng/ml, P0.05]; (3) the Kazak heart function I ~ II, grade III and grade IV patients were higher than those of the same class Han heart failure patients [8.51 + 2.51) vs (7.36 + 2.82) ng/ml, (11.62 + 2.82) ng/ml, vs + vs ng/ml The left atrial diameter (LAD) and left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD) in the sack heart failure group were higher than that of the Han heart failure group [(40.72 + 5.70) vs (35.23 + 6.85) mm, 50 (4752) vs (47.91 + 8.42) mm, P0.05], and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) lower [59 (4263) vs 62 (5167)%, P0.05], than the Han heart failure group. (5) the Kazak and Han heart failure groups were both Cheng Zhengxiang Conclusion: (1) the expression of the serum in both Kazak and Han patients with cardiac insufficiency is significantly higher than the control of the LVEF group of the Kazak and the Han people. Group level, indicating that the expression of Galectin-3 in the two ethnic groups increased and Galectin-3 could be used for early diagnosis of cardiac dysfunction. (2) the expression level of Galectin-3 in Kazak and Han patients with cardiac insufficiency increased with the increase of NYHA cardiac function classification, indicating that with the aggravation of cardiac insufficiency, Galectin-3 The expression was also increased, and galectin-3 could be used to evaluate the severity of heart failure. (3) the expression of galectin-3 in Kazak and Han controls had no obvious abnormality, while the Kazak heart function NYHA I ~ II, grade III and IV were higher than those of the Han heart failure, indicating that galectin-3 could be used to evaluate the severity of the heart failure in the same nationality. The assessment of other ethnic groups was meaningless. (4) LAD of the same level Kazak heart dysfunction patients, LVEDD of the Han people with heart dysfunction, and the lower LVEF than the Han, indicated that the Kazak heart dysfunction was more serious than the Han nationality, and the correlation analysis showed that both Kazak and Han, galectin-3 and LAD LVEDD is positively correlated and negatively related to LVEF, while galectin-3 has a higher correlation with Kazak LAD, LVEDD, LVEF, indicating that galectin-3 is more accurate in evaluating the severity of cardiac remodeling in Kazak patients with cardiac insufficiency.


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