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发布时间:2018-06-15 09:49

  本文选题:肾脏损害 + 心房颤动 ; 参考:《中国人民解放军医学院》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Background and purpose: the incidence of atrial fibrillation increases with age. Stroke is the most common and serious complication of atrial fibrillation, nearly 20% of stroke is caused by atrial fibrillation. Compared with non atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation increases by 4~5 times the incidence of stroke. In recent years, the incidence of chronic renal damage has increased significantly, and renal damage can increase thrombus shape. The risk of adult and bleeding. The incidence of atrial fibrillation combined with renal damage is also significantly higher. There is no unified standard and monitoring index for antithrombotic therapy in this group. The main purpose of this study is to observe the effect of renal damage on coagulation index and endothelial function of atrial fibrillation by animal model. The changes of coagulation and endothelial function in patients with renal impairment were of great significance, which provided a reference for the antithrombotic therapy of this group. Method first part: experimental animals were randomly assigned to model group (n=10), simple pacing group (n=5) and blank control group (n =5). The main trunk of renal artery was embolized by gelfoam sponge. An animal model of acute renal damage was established in 1 months. The atrial fibrillation model was established in the right atrium by 3H in the simple pacing group and the 5 kidney damage animal models. The renal function, the degree of renal damage and the induced atrial fibrillation before and after the stimulation of the renal embolism group were compared. The endothelial work in the simple pacing group and the animal model group was compared. Energy, coagulation index, inflammation and oxidative stress, renin angiotensin aldosterone system activity. Second: experimental animals were randomly assigned to model group (n=10), simple pacing group (n=5) and blank control group (n=5), in which the simple pacing group and the blank control group were the first part. The unilateral renal artery was embolized by gelatin sponge. An animal model of chronic renal damage was established for 3 months. Simple pacing group and 5 kidney damage animal models were used to stimulate 3H to establish atrial fibrillation model in the right atrium. The renal function, the degree of renal damage and the induced atrial fibrillation before and after the stimulation of the renal embolism group were compared. The simple pacing group and the 1 month animal model were compared. The endothelial function, coagulation index, inflammation and oxidative stress, and renin angiotensin aldosterone system activity in the group and 3 month animal model group. Results the first part: acute renal ischemic damage combined with moderate renal insufficiency in 1 months of embolized unilateral renal artery. The right atrial rapid stimulation of 3H can establish the model of atrial fibrillation. After 1 months of dirty damage, the rapid stimulation of the experimental animal and the right atrium could have the following changes: (1) the atrial refractory period and the VVF point of atrioventricular node shortened; (2) the increase of atrial fibrillation induced rate; (3) the acute renal insufficiency with atrial fibrillation compared with the atrial fibrillation group, the endothelial function was lighter, the prothrombin substance decreased, the fibrinolysis system was enhanced, inflammation and oxidative stress reaction The second part: the second part of the main trunk of the renal artery embolization for 3 months can cause chronic renal ischemic damage and moderate renal insufficiency. The right atrium stimulates rapid stimulation of the atrial fibrillation model. After 3 months of renal damage, the following changes can occur after the rapid stimulation of the experimental animal and the right atrium: (1) the atrial refractory period and the atrioventricular node Venter's point shortening; 2) the increase of atrial fibrillation induced rate; (3) chronic renal failure with atrial fibrillation than atrial fibrillation group with severe endothelial dysfunction, increased procoagulant substances, fibrinolysis, strong inflammatory reaction, RAAS system activation. (4) chronic renal insufficiency with atrial fibrillation more acute renal dysfunction accompanied by atrial fibrillation internal function damage, procoagulant substance increase, fibrinolysis hypofunction, inflammation Symptoms, oxidative stress reaction and RAAS system activation. Conclusion 1. successful establishment of acute and chronic renal damage combined with moderate renal dysfunction large animal model, and on the basis of the successful establishment of atrial fibrillation model.2. application of the animal model, acute renal damage combined with moderate renal dysfunction with atrial fibrillation endothelial dysfunction is lighter, the body out of the body. The risk of blood loss is high, and the risk of thrombosis is small..3. chronic renal damage combined with moderate renal insufficiency with atrial fibrillation has serious endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis risk and bleeding risk.


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