[Abstract]:Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an immune disease induced by the production of specific antibodies against platelet factor 4 (PF4) / heparin complex. The immune complex composed of PF4, heparin and PF4/ heparin complex is a key factor in the pathogenesis of HIT. At present, the pathogenesis of HIT has not been fully understood, this topic will be in the immunological perspective of HIT in-depth study, hoping to further understand the pathogenesis of HIT. The HIT immune model of mice was established and the specific antibody against PF4/ heparin complex was successfully induced. On the basis of this mouse model, we found that B lymphocytes in the marginal region of mouse spleen play a key role in the formation of specific antibodies against PF4/ heparin complex. In mice lacking borderline B lymphocytes, the specific antibody level of PF4/ heparin complex produced after immunization was significantly lower than that of control mice. In addition, we also found that the pathogenesis of HIT is regulated by immune tolerance. There are antigen-tolerant PF4/ heparin complex specific B lymphocytes in healthy population and wild-type mice, which can be transformed into plasmacyte to synthesize and secrete pathogenic antibody under stimulation. Finally, we also found that, as a helper of humoral immunity, helper T lymphocytes were involved in the synthesis of specific antibodies against PF4/ heparin complex. If T lymphocytes in mice were removed by immunological method, the synthesis of specific antibodies against PF4/ heparin complex would be affected. To sum up, in the immunological point of view, the topic through a number of different levels of in-depth analysis of HIT, hoping to further understand the pathogenesis of HIT.
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