发布时间:2018-10-25 17:34
【摘要】:正患者,女,44岁,因突发言语不清、左侧肢体乏力3 h于2015年2月8日入院,12 d前患者左膝出现皮疹,至某皮肤病防治所就诊,诊断带状疱疹,予抗病毒治疗后皮疹已消,近2周间断出现恶寒、寒战,未系统诊治。既往体健,否认高血压、糖尿病、冠心病病史。入院体格检查:体温38.2℃,脉搏97次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压110/62 mmHg。神清,查体欠配合,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径3
[Abstract]:The patient, female, 44 years old, was admitted to hospital on February 8, 2015 for 3 hours because of sudden inarticulate speech. A rash appeared on her left knee 12 days ago. She went to a dermatologic prevention and treatment center to diagnose herpes zoster, and the rash was eliminated after antiviral treatment. In the last 2 weeks, there was no systematic diagnosis and treatment. Physical fitness, denial of hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease history. Admission physical examination: body temperature 38.2 鈩,
[Abstract]:The patient, female, 44 years old, was admitted to hospital on February 8, 2015 for 3 hours because of sudden inarticulate speech. A rash appeared on her left knee 12 days ago. She went to a dermatologic prevention and treatment center to diagnose herpes zoster, and the rash was eliminated after antiviral treatment. In the last 2 weeks, there was no systematic diagnosis and treatment. Physical fitness, denial of hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease history. Admission physical examination: body temperature 38.2 鈩,