[Abstract]:In order to study the important influence of hemodynamic changes in dissection on the outcome of dissection, and to provide a theoretical basis for clinical judgment of the development and outcome of aortic dissection. The B type aortic dissection model with different entrance and exit ratio and size was made by 3D printing technique. The blood flow in aortic dissection was simulated and the pressure change and flow field in pseudo-lumen of aortic dissection model were measured and observed. In the two groups with a true cavity pressure of 18.620 ~ 21.280 k / Pa, the inlet pressure ratio of different fracturing ratio was generally smaller than that of other pseudo-cavity positions in the sandwich model, and the pressure value was lower than that of the true cavity pressure. In the group of true cavity pressure of 23.940 k Pa, the pressure ratio of false cavity in the sandwich model with a break ratio of 2:1 was significantly higher than that of the other models. It is observed that the velocity of true cavity is faster and the internal pressure is lower than that of pseudo-cavity under the same true cavity pressure at a fixed water pressure of 21.280 ~ 23.940k Pa. In the same model, the pressure of false cavity is generally lower than that of true cavity, and the velocity of false cavity with large primary break is relatively low and the eddy current is obvious under the same pressure. Under the same model and same pressure, the velocity of false cavity is lower than that of true cavity, and the eddy current of false cavity is more obvious.
【作者单位】: 北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院;首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院;首都儿科研究所;
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