[Abstract]:Objective: to detect the levels of adiponectin (Adiponectin,APN) and hypersensitive C-reactive protein (High-sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP) in serum of patients with acute coronary syndrome (Acute coronary syndromes,ACS) and healthy controls in Xining area. To explore the relationship between the content of ACS and the occurrence and development of ACS, to analyze the relationship between the content and the severity of coronary artery disease and the risk of coronary ischemia, and to predict the risk of coronary artery disease and coronary events. Methods: 65 patients with ACS and 21 healthy controls in Xining area were selected. The ACS group was divided into three groups according to the diagnostic criteria: STEMI group, NSTEMI group, UAP group; The whole blood of fasting cubitus vein was collected. The serum APN,hs-CRP content was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) and transmission turbidimetry, and the Gensini score of coronary artery lesion was obtained according to the results of coronary angiography. To evaluate the severity of coronary artery disease and to evaluate the risk of GRACE in all patients with ACS. The difference of serum APN,hs-CRP content between ACS patients and control group was analyzed, and the correlation between serum APN,hs-CRP content and coronary artery stenosis degree and coronary event risk in ACS patients was analyzed. The role of risk forecasting and so on. Results: the data of sex, age, smoking history and drinking history were comparable in ACS group and control group (P0.05). The level of serum APN in STEMI group (280.26 卤149.32) 渭 g / ml NSTEMI group (612.40 卤39.91) 渭 g / ml / ml UAP group was (732.47 卤124.33) 渭 g/ml lower than that in control group (1020.90 卤205.75) 渭 g/ml (P0.05). The level of serum APN in STEMI group was lower than that in NSTEMI group and UAP group (P0.05). The serum hs-CRP content in STEMI group (14.30 卤5.15) mg/l,NSTEMI group (4.80 卤1.30) mg/l,UAP group (4.53 卤2.02) mg/l was significantly higher than that in control group (1.67 卤1.05) mg/l (P0.05). The level of serum hs-CRP in STEMI group was higher than that in NSTEMI group and UAP group (P0.05). The Gensini score and GRACE risk score of coronary artery in NSTEMI group were significantly higher than those in UAP group (P0.05). The level of serum APN was negatively correlated with the severity of coronary artery disease and the GRACE risk score (R1 + -0. 796%-0. 489% P 0.05). The level of serum hs-CRP was positively correlated with the severity of coronary artery disease and the GRACE risk score (R3P 0.737r4 + 0.393P 0.05). Conclusion: this study confirmed that serum APN level was significantly decreased and hs-CRP level was increased in patients with acute coronary syndrome. The level of APN was negatively correlated with the severity of coronary artery disease and the risk of cardiovascular events, and hs-CRP level was associated with the severity of coronary artery disease. GRACE risk score was positively correlated. The combined detection of APN,hs-CRP content can provide some reference for the diagnosis, risk stratification and disease evaluation of ACS. It is expected to be a new method to help diagnose ACS and predict the severity and prognosis of coronary artery disease.
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