发布时间:2019-07-31 11:46
【摘要】:正目前,诊断冠状动脉功能性狭窄的"金标准"是血流储备分数(fractional flow reserve,FFR)。FFR由Pijls等~([1])于1993年率先提出,并将其定义为在存在狭窄病变的情况下,该冠脉所提供给心肌区域能获得的最大血流量与同一区域在正常情况下所能获得的最大血流量之比。FFR可以较好的评价冠脉功能性的狭窄~([1-3]),并且多个多中心实验证实,FFR是改善冠心病患者预后并降低医疗花费的惟一指标~([4-7])。
[Abstract]:At present, the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of functional coronary artery stenosis is blood flow reserve fraction (fractional flow reserve,FFR). FFR was first proposed by Pijls et al. [1] in 1993 and defined as in the case of stenosis. The ratio of the maximum blood flow provided by the coronary artery to the maximum blood flow that can be obtained in the same area under normal conditions. FFR can better evaluate the coronary artery functional stenosis ([1 鈮,
[Abstract]:At present, the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of functional coronary artery stenosis is blood flow reserve fraction (fractional flow reserve,FFR). FFR was first proposed by Pijls et al. [1] in 1993 and defined as in the case of stenosis. The ratio of the maximum blood flow provided by the coronary artery to the maximum blood flow that can be obtained in the same area under normal conditions. FFR can better evaluate the coronary artery functional stenosis ([1 鈮,