图 1 经容积再现处理的心脏 CT 冠状动、静脉Fig.1 Cardiac CT coronary artery and vein after volume reproductionprocessingNote: A 58-year-old man diagnosed with coronary atherosclerosis by CT.Redrepresents the coronary artery and blue represents the coronary vein.A heartVR shows the position, shape and adjacency of the coronary arteries and veinson the surface of the heart.The B coronary arteries, vein VR graphs show thespatial location of two types of blood vessels.
图 2 心脏 CT 经容积再现处理显示二Fig.2 Cardiac CT volumetric rendering svalve isthNote: A: LCX is adjacent to GCV-CS,BGCV-CS in the isthmus of the mitral vacircumflex artery, RCA: Right coronary aCoronal sinus.
图 3 256 层螺旋 CTA 图像原图中 LCX 与 GCV-CS 的四种空间关系Fig.3 Four spatial relationships between LCX and GCV-CS in 256-slice spirCoronary computed tomography angiographyNote: A: GCV-CS and LCX are arranged in parallel on the epicardium sidethe MI;B:LCX is located between MI and GCV-CS; C:GCV-CS is locatbetween MI and LCX; D: LCX is located on the epicardial side of the lventricle on the ocular surface, and GCV-CS is located on the epicardial siof the MI.LCX: Left circumflex artery; GCV: Great cardiac vein; CS: Coronsinus; MI: Mitral valve isthmus. In the ABCD four figures, arrow A indicaLCX and arrow V indicates GCV-CS.
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