[Abstract]:Objective to observe the anatomical changes of anterior segment of primary acute angle closure glaucoma (ACG) patients before and after phacoemulsification with ultrasonic biomicroscopy (ultrasound biomicroscope,UBM) and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (optical coherence tomography,OCT). To evaluate the application value of these two methods. Methods 35 cases (35 eyes) of primary acute angle closure glaucoma complicated with cataract were treated with phacoemulsification cataract extraction combined with intraocular lens implantation. The best corrected visual acuity (best corrected visual acuity,BVCA) and intraocular pressure (IOP) were monitored before and after operation. The anterior segment was measured by UBM and Visante OCT 3 months after operation. The changes of anterior segment parameters before and after operation were analyzed and the differences between the two methods were compared. Results the IOP of all patients was (13.85 卤5.06) mmHg (1 kPa=7.5 mmHg), (13.29 卤4.55) mmHg, (13.47 卤4.11) mmHg, significantly lower than that of preoperative mmHg (17.07 卤4.02) mmHg 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after operation. The BCVA was 0.51 卤0.100.65 卤0.21 卤0.63 卤0.19 at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months postoperatively, which was significantly higher than that before operation (0.20 卤0.10). There were significant differences in intraocular pressure (IOP) and BCVA before operation (F9.33P0.000F106.27PU 0.000). UBM and (anterior chamber depth,ACD after Visante OCT) were (3.41 卤0.44) mm, (3.45 卤0.39) mm, and (1.93 卤0.28) mm, (1.95 卤0.32) mm, respectively. There was significant difference between the two methods (t _ (12. 142) mm, (~ (12.087), P ~ (0.000), and there was no significant difference between the two methods (t _ (0.143) ~ (0.90) ~ (-1) ~ (-0.197) ~ 0. 824). UBM and (0.37 卤0.16) mm, (~ (0.29 卤0.11) mm, respectively, compared with (0.18 卤0.10) mm, (0.15 卤0. 05) mm before operation, and (0. 18 卤0. 10) mm, (, 0. 15 卤0. 05) mm, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (tn 14.561 ~ 13.233, P = 0.000), and the difference between the two methods was statistically significant (t = 1.825). The iris angle of trabeculae was (36.55 卤5.93) 掳, (29.83 卤4.87) 掳after Visante OCT, and (17.81 卤5.17) 掳, (12.44 卤4.25) 掳after Visante OCT, which was significantly higher than that of pre-operation (17.81 卤5.17) 掳, (12.44 卤4.25) 掳). The difference was statistically significant (tn 13.328 mm2, 11.751, both P0. 000), and the difference between the two methods was statistically significant (tt2. 012 + Pu 0. 029 ~ 3. 381P0. 000). UBM and Visante OCT after operation were (0. 19 卤0. 15) mm2, (0. 12 卤0. 10) mm2, and (0. 06 卤0. 04) mm2, (0. 05 卤0. 06) mm2, respectively), and there was no significant difference between the two methods in detecting the area of cornea recess (0. 19 卤0. 15) mm2, (0. 12 卤0. 10) mm2, and (0. 06 卤0. 04) mm2, (0. 05 卤0. 06) mm2, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (t _ (10. 122) ~ 9.081, P ~ (0.000), and the difference between the two methods was statistically significant (t _ (3.427) P ~ (+) ~ (0.001) ~ (2.914) (P ~ (0.003). Conclusion phacoemulsification is performed in patients with primary acute angle-closure glaucoma complicated with cataract. The anterior chamber depth is obviously increased and the angle structure is improved after phacoemulsification. Intraocular pressure was effectively controlled. UBM and Visante OCT could objectively measure the anatomical parameters of anterior segment in patients with primary acute angle-closure glaucoma complicated with cataract, but the clinical application value was different.
【作者单位】: 广西医科大学第四附属医院 柳州市工人医院眼科;暨南大学第一附属医院保健科;
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