[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the distribution of corneal aberration and all-eye aberration, to understand the effect of refractive error and surgical method on high-order aberration, to clarify the relationship between corneal aberration and all-eye aberration, and to provide reference for individualized keratectomy. To guide the improvement of postoperative visual quality of myopia patients. Methods: from February 2009 to February 2010, 266 patients (532 eyes) received excimer laser myopia correction in the first affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University. Astigmatism range-0.25-5.0 D, compared with myopia, astigmatism and surgical procedures. All the data were processed and counted by SPSS 16.0 software package. Results: 1. The increase of corneal aberration, coma and spherical aberration were statistically different before and 1 month after operation, the corneal coma, spherical aberration and myopic diopter were linearly negatively correlated with corneal aberration. There were significant differences in corneal high-order aberrations in different myopia groups, but no difference in astigmatism group. The increase of high-order aberration in LASEK group was smaller than that in LASIK group, RMS3 and RMSh had statistical significance. 2. There were significant differences in the increase of high-order aberration, coma and spherical aberration between all eyes before and one month after operation. There was a linear negative correlation between preoperative total aberration and myopic diopter, postoperative high order aberration, coma, spherical aberration and myopic diopter. The increase of higher order aberration in LASEK group was smaller than that in LASIK group, especially in RMS4 group. 3. Corneal aberrations and all-eye aberrations were mainly of order 3 and 4 in high order aberrations. Preoperative high order aberrations were mainly concentrated on spherical aberrations, all ocular high order aberrations were mainly concentrated on coma aberrations, and corneal high order aberrations increased more significantly after operation. The higher order aberration of the whole eye is more obvious than that of spherical aberration. Conclusion: 1. For corneal aberration and all eye aberration, the Zernike coefficients and the distribution of RMS were consistent. The aberration decreased from order 3 to order 6, and the higher the order was, the smaller the aberration was. The higher order aberration increased significantly after operation, but the increase of coma and spherical aberration was not synchronized. 2. There was no correlation between high order aberrations of cornea and all eyes before operation and myopia, astigmatism. There was a linear negative correlation between coma and spherical aberration of cornea and eyes after operation, but there was no correlation between high order aberrations of cornea and eyes and astigmatism. 3. One month after operation, the increase of higher order aberration in LASEK group was lower than that in LASIK group.
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