[Abstract]:Objective: 1. The three-dimensional reconstruction of cochlea based on tissue serial slice and finite element software makes the macroscopic anatomical structure clearly displayed, and the interactive mechanism and morphology of organism structure and function are clarified. The study of anatomy and other fields is of great significance. 2. Through the three-dimensional reconstruction of the cochlea, not only the complex anatomical structure of the cochlea can be accurately displayed, but also the multiple angles of view can be rotated, and the exact anatomical parameters such as length, area, volume and angle can be obtained. It provides a quantitative analysis platform for the basic research of pathophysiology and pathogenesis of inner ear diseases, and also provides a quantitative analysis platform for clinical selection of optimal surgical path and cochlear implant. 3. Through the three-dimensional reconstruction of cochlea, we can understand the relative position of cochlea and adjoining structure or even the head directly, and at the same time, it provides a method reference for the further realization of 3D reconstruction of other tissues and organs. 4. Based on three-dimensional reconstruction of cochlea, a numerical model of basal membrane of cochlea was established by using finite element software. The structural characteristics of the basal membrane of the cochlea were discussed and modal analysis was carried out, which provided a basis for the numerical simulation of the inner ear function. Materials and methods: a healthy adult guinea pig was treated with electroauroscope, auditory brainstem response, otoacoustic emission and thin layer CT scan of inner ear, excluding ear diseases and deformity of inner ear. After general anesthesia, left temporal bone was taken out quickly, auditory bubble was opened and cochlea was exposed. After pruning, decalcification, dehydration, transparency, wax immersion, embedding and positioning, paraffin sections were continuously sliced and sequenced. The thickness of sections was 0.6 脳 10 ~ (-5) m. A whole set of image data of guinea pig inner ear tissue slice was obtained by continuous camera. The image was imported into Photoshop software. After decolorization, gray scale and contrast adjustment were processed, the boundary was recognized and calibrated by mimics software. The 3D coordinates of the boundary point were obtained, the coordinates were imported into the Hypermesh software to establish the mesh model, and the ANSYS finite element software was used to reconstruct the 3D finite element model of the cochlea membrane structure of guinea pig, and the finite element method was used. The mode of simplified model of basement membrane is solved. Results: 1. A whole set of image information of 2-D continuous slice of guinea pig cochlea was obtained by tissue continuous paraffin section and camera. 2. A three-dimensional finite element model of guinea pig cochlea was established by using paraffin serial section and finite element software. The model clearly shows the spatial structure of the cochlea and has practical significance and application value. 3. The 3D reconstruction model of basement membrane was established, and the first ten modes of guinea-pig basement membrane were obtained by using ANSYS software to solve the mode of basement membrane. Conclusion: 1. The computer 3D reconstruction based on tissue serial section has not only the detail of the slice but also the spatial characteristics of its anatomical structure. It is a method to improve the research level of the morphology of cochlea and temporal bone. 2. The 3D reconstruction of cochlea can be realized by the technique of tissue continuous paraffin section and ANSYS software, which provides the basis for the study of the interactive mechanism of structure and function in cochlea. 3. According to the inherent dynamic properties of the basal membrane of cochlea, the 3D reconstruction model of the basal membrane of cochlea was established by combining with the tissue serial slice and ANSYS software. By solving the mode, the mechanism of the basement membrane acting on the auditory conduction process was further understood. It provides a quantitative analysis platform for the study of inner ear disease.
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