[Abstract]:Acute otitis media (acute otitis media,AOM) is the most common infectious disease in childhood, second only to upper respiratory tract infection, among which recurrent AOM and intractable AOM, are the most troubling disease in children. According to statistics, about 20% to 30% of children suffer from recurrent AOM,. And this figure is still increasing year by year. Frequent middle ear infections not only cause tympanic sclerosis, adhesive otitis media and cholesteatoma of the middle ear, but also lead to progressive decline of hearing and even affect the development of language. However, the exact mechanism of its pathogenesis, antibiotic resistance and the causes of repeated attacks are still unclear. Since 2001, when Post et al first put forward the pathogenic theory of bacterial biofilm in the pathogenesis of secretory otitis media, the relationship between bacterial biofilm and otitis media has become the focus of attention. In 2009, Reid et al and Hoa et al observed the presence of bacterial biofilm in different AOM animal models of millet, but the formation characteristics of bacterial biofilm in AOM. Whether or not to participate in the pathogenesis and clinical significance of AOM remains to be further studied. Based on this, we designed the subject. In the first part of the study, we discussed the feasibility of injecting Streptococcus pneumoniae into the middle ear cavity of rats to establish AOM model, and observed its pathological changes and course of disease. The application value of the model is discussed in order to provide basic data for further research. It was proved that the rat model of acute otitis media was established by injecting 50ul pneumoniae suspension (1 脳 108CFU/ml) into the middle ear cavity of rats through auditory bubble puncture, and the success rate was 100%, which was an ideal animal model for the study of human otitis media. It can be used not only in the study of acute suppurative otitis media, but also in the study of acute secretory otitis media. On the basis of the successful establishment of the rat model of acute otitis media, we carried out the second part of the study, using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and immunofluorescence in situ labeling technique. The formation and clinical significance of bacterial biofilm in the middle ear cavity of rats with acute otitis media were studied by laser scanning confocal microscope and the feasibility of using the animal model of AOM in the study of bacterial biofilm was discussed. The study found that bacterial biofilm had begun to form at the early stage of acute infection in the middle ear, and might become the cause of repeated or prolonged inflammation in the future. The early and timely application of anti-biofilm drugs was helpful to the complete eradication of infection. The rat model of acute otitis media is an ideal animal model to study bacterial biofilm.
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