本文关键词:思想政治课教学中应用即时评价存在的问题及对策 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Instant evaluation is a new teaching mode. This teaching method can not only help teachers improve the effect of classroom teaching, but also play a very good role in promoting students' learning progress and long-term development. The so-called "instant evaluation" is really teaching in the classroom. Under the circumstances of teachers' teaching, students' ideas, behaviors, emotions and attitudes and learning effects are immediately controlled, motivating and guiding. Generally, it includes the following aspects: pertinent evaluation, affirmative evaluation, mutual evaluation, encouraging evaluation, open evaluation, formative assessment, self evaluation and facial expression evaluation. In the teaching process of Ideological and political education, timely assessment of students in class is a platform to promote communication between teachers and students, and it is a guarantee mechanism to improve teaching quality and promote students' development. However, in practical teaching practice, due to the influence of traditional education concept, teachers' evaluation concept is relatively backward, so that there are many problems in classroom immediate evaluation. Based on the related literature, several typical national evaluations and their teaching practice at the grass-roots level, this paper studies the problems and Countermeasures in the application of instant evaluation in Ideological and political teaching. The following is the basic framework of the paper: the first part is the introduction of this article. Mainly introduces the ideological and political teaching application of instant evaluation problems and Countermeasures of the background and significance of the research, and the ideas, methods, and significance of the research of the difficulty and innovation made specific elaboration, based on the literature analysis and summarizes the research status and application of instant evaluation in the domestic and foreign ideological and political teaching. The second part is the elaboration of the related concepts. Mainly to the immediate evaluation, immediate evaluation of the ideological and political concepts are defined; and the immediate evaluation of great significance to the teachers and students, the classroom effect makes a rational analysis; but in the ideological and political education in the use of instant evaluation must follow the necessary principle, timely principle, the principle of humor, emotional principle and inspiration the principle of the principle of specific interpretation. The third part is an empirical study. Through the use of research methods of classroom observation, literature reference and the combination of theory and practice, systematic analysis of the application status of teachers instant classroom appraisal, summarizes the existing problems: the single evaluation method, evaluation target, evaluation content, evaluation of arbitrarily narrow attitude in four aspects such as real-time error problems. There must be a reason for the problem, so on the basis of the performance of the problem, we have summed up the reasons for two aspects of the subjective and objective aspects. The fourth part is to solve the problems in the application of the ideological and political course in the process of teaching. Based on the rational analysis and summarizing, respectively from teachers to improve teaching quality, break the reality resistance, to improve the understanding of the role of immediate evaluation, the evaluation should be targeted and simplified, strengthen theoretical guidance, prompting immediate evaluation and evaluation of students' diversified to distinguish individual differences in four aspects put forward the optimization suggestion immediately to evaluate the application of the ideological and political classroom teaching process. In a word, the author hopes to play the great significance of the ideological and political instant assessment teaching by respecting the student's personality, caring for the students, continuing to improve their professional level and accomplishment.
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