本文选题:民国时期 + 体育 ; 参考:《西华师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Middle school education has been dominant in the education system for a long time, so it is very important to study the physical education in middle school.The period of the Republic of China represented the first stage of new education in our country. School education appeared in order to train people to meet the needs of social development.In the course of physical education curriculum reform, we try our best to "inherit history" and "learn from history". We believe that today's physical education curriculum reform will become a scientific reference in a hundred years' time.This article takes the curriculum standard of middle school in the 20th century as the main clue, takes the Republic of China newspapers and magazines such as declaration, Ta Kung Pao and other relevant documents of educational history as the research foundation, through the literature material method, the history research method, the comparative analysis method,The method of expert interview studies the reform of physical education curriculum in middle school during the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949), and concludes that the curriculum standard has undergone seven formal reforms since the establishment of the curriculum in the Republic of China.Through the analysis of the historical data of the middle school physical education curriculum reform in the Republic of China, this paper makes a systematic comparative analysis from the aspects of physical education curriculum setup, curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum management, physical education curriculum evaluation system and so on.It is found that the reform of physical education curriculum takes the school physical education curriculum and the church communication as the main way, and has five characteristics of times, practicability, pertinence, openness and professionalism.Based on the study of physical education curriculum in middle school during the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949), this paper expounds that the advantage of PE curriculum reform is: 1: 1.Give consideration to both cosmopolitan and national character.Learn from the thought of foreign advanced education.Pay attention to the development of sports games.Pay attention to the scientific and democratic nature of the curriculum.Pay attention to the idea of curriculum reform.Attach importance to extracurricular sports activities.Developed a diversified curriculum goal.A systematic and scientific course evaluation mechanism is established.The deficiency is in the form of 1: 1.The concept of physical education curriculum reform is narrow.The implementation of curriculum reform is not enough.The implementation of curriculum reform and supervision is weak.The reform of physical education curriculum has not escaped the fate of political tools.Synthesizing its advantages and disadvantages, this paper puts forward the enlightenment of contemporary PE curriculum reform: 1.The reform of physical education curriculum should be updated in real time.In the process of physical education teaching, we should first pay attention to "setting up morality".Curriculum reform should pay attention to the practicability of physical education curriculum.The reform of physical education curriculum should be based on the national conditions.Pay attention to the development and application of sports games in physical education teaching.The development of curriculum resources should pay attention to traditional sports.Extracurricular sports activities are included in the official class hours.The establishment and perfection of physical education curriculum supervision mechanism.The reform of physical education curriculum emphasizes sports load and practice density.
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