本文选题:北京市海淀区 + 初中生 ; 参考:《首都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Aerobics, as a new sport, is popular among people with its unique charm. Aerobics has a strong sense of rhythm and movement, which is its own sports charm, mainly will dance movements and movements together. It is a set of exercise, shape the body, happy body as one of the movement. The middle school physical education textbook has compiled the aerobics project, which is an important form of physical education and extracurricular activities in junior middle school. It is of great significance to promote the students' physical and mental health. In this paper, 34 PE teachers and 300 students were selected as the subject of the study on the present situation and prospects of Aerobics in Haidian District, Beijing. By means of literature, expert interview, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, this paper investigates and analyzes the development of calisthenics in Haidian District, Beijing, and makes a brief study on its development prospect. The present situation of its development is investigated and summarized, so as to put forward suggestions for the better popularization and popularization of aerobics in Haidian District. The following conclusion is drawn from the study: 1) the aerobics project in Haidian District has been gradually developed in junior high school, and some schools have begun to carry out aerobics teaching in physical education curriculum, which shows that the development of aerobics project is on the rise in recent years. Judging from the development of aerobics courses in Haidian District junior high schools, almost 80% of schools in Haidian District have experienced participating in aerobics competitions, which shows that the popularity of aerobics in Haidian district junior high schools is still based on a certain degree. From the point of view of teaching content, the course content of calisthenics in Haidian district is rich. In terms of teaching methods, because of the overall rejuvenation of teachers, teaching methods are constantly improved and updated. The investigation shows that the number of female aerobics teachers in Haidian District is more than that of men, and the number of young teachers is more. The professional titles of teachers are mainly concentrated in the first, second and senior teachers, indicating that the overall teaching level of the teachers in Haidian District is still of a certain height. In terms of academic qualifications, Haidian District junior high school teachers' academic qualifications are also getting higher and higher. The teachers' major is slightly different from the subjects they teach, mainly because of the reasons for the middle school examination, which makes the teaching demand for track and field and ball games great. (4) from the view of physical education teachers' understanding of aerobics, Most of the PE teachers in Haidian District think it is necessary to carry out aerobics teaching. They affirm the value of aerobics to junior high school students, and also recognize the role of aerobics as a project for students to participate in physical exercise actively. The school calisthenics related teaching facilities are relatively satisfied, it is considered that basically meet the teaching needs. 5) Haidian District has less understanding of the aerobics project, and most of the students do not have a very deep understanding. This shows that aerobics is not carried out or involved in physical education classes in many junior high schools. Among the junior high school students surveyed, many students like and are willing to participate in aerobics learning, but not many students really participate in and learn aerobics. They don't have special classes to learn aerobics, only a few students have participated in aerobics teams and aerobics clubs.
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