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发布时间:2018-06-22 01:40

  本文选题:高中化学教师 + 整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK) ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪是信息化时代,信息技术的迅猛发展推进了教育信息化的进程,对教育领域产生了重要的影响,对教师的专业化发展提出了更高的要求,信息技术的应用能力已逐步成为信息化社会教师必备的专业能力。2005年,美国学者米什拉(Punya Mishra)和科勒(Matthew Koehler)首次将技术知识纳入到教师知识结构中,提出了“整合技术的学科教学知识”(Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge,简称TPACK)的概念。TPACK是信息化时代教师所应该具备的专业知识的核心,是教师合理选取相关信息技术进行有效教学的知识基础,并直接影响着教师信息技术应用能力的水平和发展。化学是我国普通教育中的重要学科,信息技术的使用对化学教育的目标、化学课程的内容、化学教学和学习的方式等各方面产生了深远的影响。化学教师整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)水平决定了他们在化学教学中应用信息技术的能力,也直接影响着化学目标的实现。本论文的研究问题包括:(1)在文献分析和初步访谈的基础上编制高中化学教师TPACK调查问卷,并验证问卷的效度和信度。(2)高中化学教师整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)现状和特点如何?(3)影响高中化学老师TPACK水平发展的因素有哪些?(4)基于高中化学教师TPACK能力发展的差异性,提出有针对性和可行性的提升策略。本研究论文由五个部分组成。第一部分是绪论,阐明研究问题产生的原因、研究内容、研究意义、研究方法与研究思路等几个方面的内容。第二部分是文献综述,对“学科教学知识”、“整合技术的学科教学知识”等核心词汇进行解释;并综合述评本研究相关的国内外研究现状。第三部分是我国高中化学教师整合技术的学科教学知识现状的调查研究,本部分以TPACK理论框架为基础,自编问卷作为调查研究工具,施测对象为使用人教版教材的一线高中化学教师,调查内容包括高中化学教师技术知识、学科内容知识、教学法知识、学科教学法知识、整合技术的学科内容知识、整合技术的教学法知识以及整合技术的学科教学知识这七个维度的情况。其中,调查问卷通过试测,进行修改并分析其内在一致性、结构效度。第四部分是以《原电池》的教学为例进行个案研究,将教学视频反复观摩、编码记录、统计分析,并结合课后访谈分析高中化学教师TPACK的现状特征及可能的影响因素。第五部分为研究结论与启示,包括研究结论、研究建议、研究的不足与展望以及研究可能的创新点。本研究的结论如下:1.本研究中编制的高中化学教师TPACK调查问卷具有良好的信效度。检验本研究调查问卷的信效度,测得问卷的整体和各维度指标的a信度系数处于0.810-0.954之间,特别是整体的a信度系数为0.954,说明本问卷具有较高的可靠性,且"KMO和Bartlett的检验”结果为0.879处于0.8-0.9之间,说明问卷整体之间存在相互关联,比较适合做因素分析,进行探索性因素分析,所得结果良好,最终未删减该问卷的题项。2.高中化学教师的TPACK整体水平为中等偏上,总体的均分为3.02分(5分制),还有较大的提升空间。从整体上来说,高中化学教师在单一元素知识上的得分明显高于在复合元素知识上的得分。调查结果显示高中化学教师对于技术知识的学习具有一定的兴趣,但对于自身学习技术的能力缺乏自信,而且他们普遍认为技术仅仅只是辅助教学的工具,并未将化学学科内容、教学法和技术知识进行真正意义上的整合。3.不同教龄和不同胜任阶段的高中化学教师的TPACK水平出现显著性差异,且在两个因素上的差异表现出一致性,并且参加“现代教育技术”培训在一定程度上影响了高中化学教师的TPACK水平,但是高中化学教师的TPACK水平在性别、学校地域、学校等级、最高学历、职称、任教年级等因素上并未表现出明显的差异性。本研究对我国高中化学教师自身专业化的发展以及国家教育与培训部门均有所启示。高中化学教师在教学工作中应该加强化学专业学习,积极参与实践,树立主体意识,不断提升自身的TPACK水平,完善自己的专业化发展。除此之外,国家教育与培训部门还应改善教育培训模式,构建良好的技术教育环境,完善课堂教学评价的标准,把有关信息技术整合教学的能力纳入到课堂教学评价的标准中,进而有效地提高高中化学老师使用信息技术进行教育教学的能力,能够更好地促进化学教师专业化的发展。
[Abstract]:The twenty-first Century is the information age. The rapid development of information technology has promoted the process of education information, has an important impact on the field of education, and puts forward higher requirements for the professional development of teachers. The application ability of information technology has gradually become the professional ability of the teachers in the information society.2005 years, and the American scholar Mishra (Puny A Mishra) and Kohler (Matthew Koehler) first put technical knowledge into the teacher's knowledge structure, and put forward the concept of "integrated technology teaching knowledge" (Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge, referred to as TPACK) as the core of the professional knowledge that teachers should have prepared in the information age. It is the teachers' reasonable selection of relevant letters. The knowledge base of the effective teaching of information technology has a direct influence on the level and development of the application ability of teachers' information technology. Chemistry is an important subject in the general education of our country. The use of information technology has a profound influence on the objectives of chemical education, the content of chemical courses, the teaching and learning methods of chemistry and so on. The level of subject teaching knowledge (TPACK) of teacher integration technology determines their ability to apply information technology in chemistry teaching and affects the realization of chemical targets directly. The research issues of this paper include: (1) based on the literature analysis and preliminary interview, the TPACK questionnaire of high school chemistry teachers is compiled and the validity of the questionnaire is verified. And reliability. (2) what are the current situation and characteristics of the discipline teaching knowledge (TPACK) of high school chemistry teachers' integrated technology? (3) what are the factors affecting the development of high school chemistry teachers' TPACK level? (4) based on the differences in the development of TPACK ability of senior high school chemistry teachers, this paper puts forward the strategy of enhancing the feasibility and pertinence. The thesis is composed of five parts. The second part is the introduction of the research problems, the content of the research, the significance of the research, the methods of research and the thinking of the research. The second part is the literature review, the interpretation of the core vocabulary of "subject teaching knowledge" and "integrated technology teaching knowledge", and a comprehensive review of the relevant domestic and foreign research. The third part is the investigation and Research on the present situation of the teaching knowledge of the integrated technology of high school chemistry teachers in China. This part is based on the TPACK theoretical framework, and the questionnaire is used as a survey research tool and the survey object is a senior high school chemistry teacher who uses the teaching material of the human teaching edition. The survey includes the technical knowledge of senior high school chemistry teachers. The seven dimensions of the subject content knowledge, the teaching method knowledge, the subject teaching method knowledge, the integration of the subject content knowledge of the technology, the teaching method knowledge of integrating technology and the subject teaching knowledge of the integrated technology. Among them, the questionnaire is modified and analyzed in the consistency and structure validity through test and test. The fourth part is "the original battery >" A case study is carried out as an example. The teaching video is repeated, coded, and statistically analyzed, and the status and possible factors of the senior high school chemistry teacher TPACK are analyzed in the light of post - class interviews. The fifth part is the conclusion and Enlightenment of the research, including the conclusions and suggestions, the deficiencies and prospects of the research, and the possible innovations in the research. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. the TPACK questionnaire of high school chemistry teachers in this study has good reliability and validity. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire is tested, the a reliability coefficient of the overall and all dimensions of the questionnaire is between 0.810-0.954, especially the overall a reliability coefficient is 0.954, indicating that the questionnaire has a higher level. Reliability, and the results of "KMO and Bartlett test" are between 0.879 and 0.8-0.9. It shows that there are interconnections among the questionnaires. It is more suitable for factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis. The results are good. Finally, the overall level of TPACK in.2. high school chemistry teachers of the questionnaire is not reduced, and the overall level is equal. As a whole, high school chemistry teachers scored higher on the knowledge of single elements than in the knowledge of compound elements. The results showed that high school chemistry teachers have a certain interest in learning technical knowledge, but lack confidence in their ability to learn technology. And they generally think that technology is only a tool to assist teaching. There is no significant difference in the TPACK level of high school chemistry teachers with different teaching ages and different competence stages, and the differences on the two factors show consistency in the two factors. The training of "modern education technology" has influenced the TPACK level of senior high school chemistry teachers to some extent, but the TPACK level of high school chemistry teachers did not show obvious differences in gender, school geography, school grade, the highest degree of education, professional title, and teaching grade. The development and the national education and training departments are enlightening. High school chemistry teachers should strengthen the study of chemistry in the teaching work, actively participate in the practice, build up the consciousness of the main body, improve their TPACK level and improve their professional development. In addition, the State Education and training department should also improve the education and training mode. Building a good environment for technical education, perfecting the standard of classroom teaching evaluation, bringing the ability of information technology integrated teaching into the standard of classroom teaching evaluation, and improving the ability of high school chemistry teachers to use information technology in education and teaching effectively, can better promote the development of Chemistry Teachers' specialization.


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