[Abstract]:Wang Yangming's thought of "the unity of knowledge and practice" contains such contents as "knowing is the beginning of action, action is the achievement of knowledge, the place where one thinks and starting it is the line, the place of knowing is true and true is the line, the point of knowing and observing is knowing, and the time of knowing and doing is inseparable" and so on. It emphasizes that knowledge and action are two aspects or two levels of the same process, that is, there is a line in the knowledge, and there is a knowledge in the line, and the two cannot be separated. High school honesty education is the main way to improve high school students' credit literacy, and it is also an important measure to promote high school students to practice socialist core values. Through literature analysis, induction and deduction, this paper finds out that there are many common points between the thought of "integration of knowledge and practice" and the integrity education in senior high school. It plays an important role in promoting the development of high school honesty education and achieving the best effect. First of all, the historical background, connotation, characteristics and status of Wang Yangming's thought of "unity of knowledge and action" are comprehensively combed. In view of the general situation that the problem of lack of social morality and "different knowledge and action" existed in the field of education at that time, Wang Yangming put forward the idea of "integration of knowledge and action" on the basis of the sublation of the concept of "knowing and doing" of Neo-Confucianism. Wang Yangming's thought of "integration of knowledge and action" emphasizes that "knowledge" and "action" are two aspects of the same process. They are originally an integral whole. "knowledge" in "unity of knowledge and practice" refers to knowledge or theory as well as "conscience". In "the unity of knowledge and action", "action" means "knowledge" and "action" is the way to realize and express the value of "know". The thought of "the unity of knowledge and action" has the characteristics of moral education, initiative of subject and unity of relationship. The thought of "integration of knowledge and action" is Wang Yangming's representative thought, which is an important part of Chinese traditional philosophy's view of knowing and doing, and provides methodological guidance for contemporary moral education. Secondly, the current high school integrity education, the results achieved, existing problems in-depth analysis. It is believed that the main way to integrate the content of honesty education into the teaching material of high school ideological and political course is to teach the high school students honesty and credit in the classroom, and find out through combing that high school students have good faith recognition, good faith emotion, good faith will. However, the unbalance between honesty education and intellectual education, the single educational channel, the separation of knowledge and action in the process of education, the lack of educational atmosphere, The monetization of honesty education is a problem that can not be ignored in high school credit education at present. Thirdly, it explores the inner relationship between Wang Yangming's thought of "integration of knowledge and action" and high school credit education. It is found that the integrity education of senior high school fully embodies the thought of "integration of knowledge and action", and that the thought of "integration of knowledge and practice" is the inherent requirement of high school honesty education, and the whole high school honesty education involves the problem of "knowing and doing" and so on. Finally, the author deeply excavates the inner spirit of the thought of "integration of knowledge and action", and combines the thought of "integration of knowledge and practice" with the intrinsic relationship between the thought of "integration of knowledge and practice" and the high school honesty education, aiming at the effective development of high school honesty education, which reflects the original intention of high school credit education. Under the guidance of Marxism, this paper chooses "true knowledge" as its first choice, takes "true knowledge" as its first choice, and takes "true knowledge" as its value goal. As two aspects of the educational process, "knowledge and action" should carry out educational activities in an all-round way; in comparison with the original mind, the teacher's quality should be strictly controlled; the students should be guided to understand that the knowledge of honesty is what is done, and the course of honesty is knowledge; and the educational environment of conscience and good conduct should be constructed.
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