[Abstract]:Ancient poetry and prose is an important carrier for inheriting Chinese traditional culture. It contains rich things that have been handed down through the ages, the feelings of the literati, the way of dealing with the world, and the quintessence of the excellent culture of ancient China. It can bring rich learning resources and valuable spiritual nourishment to middle school students. Junior middle school is an important period for students to develop good study habits, improve aesthetic ability and form correct values. Through the study of ancient poetry and prose, junior high school students can understand the broad and profound Chinese culture, absorb the wisdom of national culture, train the ability of thinking and creation, form independent personality, and establish lofty ideals and beliefs. However, the current teaching effect of ancient poetry is not ideal, students' interest in learning is not high. Therefore, it is particularly important to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching of ancient poetry and prose in junior middle school Chinese classroom. In view of this, the main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter briefly discusses the significance and research value of this thesis from the perspective of short-term utility, long-term development of students and the far-reaching development of Chinese society; Secondly, the current situation of the research on the effectiveness of the teaching of ancient poetry and prose in junior high school is comprehensively discussed. Then, this paper discusses the requirements of the compulsory education Chinese curriculum standard, taking the education edition as an example, analyzes the arrangement of the ancient poetry and prose in the junior middle school Chinese textbooks, and takes it as a blueprint to analyze the importance of the ancient poetry and prose in the junior middle school. Pointed out the relevant requirements of the curriculum standard to the teaching and learning of ancient poetry and prose in junior high school; At the same time, the concept of relevant research terms and research ideas and research methods are put forward. The second chapter briefly introduces the effective teaching theory, the constructivism theory and the multiple intelligence theory as the theoretical support of this study, and finds out the concrete effect of these theories on the teaching of ancient poetry and prose. And explains the profound significance of these theories to the development of discipline and the long-term development of students. The third chapter emphatically explains the existing problems and influencing factors in the teaching of ancient poetry and prose in junior high school. The existing problems include the unreasonable arrangement of classroom teaching time of ancient poetry and prose, and the lack of obvious teaching effect. The influencing factors are mainly from three aspects: first, the internal influence of ancient poetry, including the age-old, language conciseness, connotation and so on; The second is the student factor, including the student's personality difference, the student does not achieve the use of learning and so on, the third is the teacher factor, including the teacher's guidance ability insufficiency, the teaching activity single and so on. The fourth chapter puts forward the relevant teaching strategies for how to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching of ancient poetry and prose in junior high school. Combining with the students' learning psychology, we can fully mobilize the teachers' educational wit, create an active classroom atmosphere, make rational use of modern educational technology, and improve the teachers' ability of reflection and the sense of achievement in teaching. In order to achieve a perfect unity between teachers' teaching and students' learning, and from four aspects, the first, effective preparation before class; Second, effective generation of classroom; third, effective consolidation and extension after class; fourth, effective reflection of teachers. The fifth chapter makes a further summary and reflection on the research results of this paper. There is a long way to go to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching of ancient poetry and prose in junior high school. The combination of theory and practice is the only way, which requires the continuous efforts and exploration of every first-line Chinese educator. This paper combines various educational theories, thinks the strategy of solving the problem from many angles, hopes to provide the help to the Chinese teachers, believes that as long as the Chinese teachers always take the advanced teaching idea as the guideline, According to the different learning conditions of different students, we can make a set of effective teaching plan of ancient poetry and prose for students.
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