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发布时间:2018-12-06 07:22
【摘要】:问题解决是数学学习的重要方式也是主要内容之一。元认知能力既影响问题解决的全过程又影响问题解决的质量与效率。数列是初等数学与高等数学的重要衔接点,是高中数学中的重要内容,也是近些年高考的重要考点之一。本文选取此课题进行研究,以此呼唤人们对元认知能力培养的重视与思考,培养学生学会学习、终身学习的能力,为数学教学改革提供参考的依据。研究采用的方法主要有文献研究法、调查研究法、比较研究法和行动研究法。研究主要分为四个阶段:(1)根据相关理论研究,开发收集数据的工具:调查问卷与测试题;(2)对河南省淮阳县某校151名(其中有效问卷149份,有效试卷147份)高二学生同时实施调查问卷与测试题、运用Excel进行数据收集,用SPSS 20.0统计软件分析问卷的信度与效度;(3)根据相关文献研究,形成元认知能力测试的五个维度,它们是有关问题解决的调节性、意识性、计划性、方法性与总结性五个方面;(4)进一步统计分析数列问题解决的高中生元认知能力的发展特点、影响因素、尤其素质班与普通班学生元认知能力的发展现状。研究结果主要有以下六点:(1)基于数列问题解决的高中生元认知及其各维度能力发展具有不平衡性。意识性、方法性、调节性处于优先水平,其它维度(计划性与总结性)能力的发展处于中等偏下水平,而且影响因素(如性别)在各维度能力发展上也存在显著差异;(2)调节性:素质班比普通班学生有做错题笔记的好习惯,能够对问题错误的原因进行分析、检查、反馈等;(3)意识性:面对难度较大的数列问题时,两班学生在元认知能力发展上存在差异;(4)计划性:素质班学生在平时学习时会制订详细的计划,而普通班很少有学生制订计划;(5)方法性:素质班学生在寻求问题解决的方案上比普通班学生设想的好;(6)总结性:两班学生不擅长对完成解题过程的好坏做出评价与分析,不会把题目的条件或结论进行变化,重新思考并解决,缺乏总结反思的习惯。研究提出以下五点建议:(1)传授元认知知识,调动学生学习的主动性;(2)丰富元认知体验,激发学生学习兴趣;(3)提高自我监控意识,培养学生元认知能力;(4)创设问题情境,活化问题解决的思维活动;(5)运用自我提问单督促元认知能力的提高。
[Abstract]:Problem solving is an important way of mathematics learning and one of the main contents. Metacognitive ability not only affects the whole process of problem solving, but also affects the quality and efficiency of problem solving. Number series is an important link point between elementary mathematics and higher mathematics, is an important content in senior high school mathematics, and is also one of the important examination points of college entrance examination in recent years. This paper chooses this topic to study, so as to call people's attention and thinking to the cultivation of metacognitive ability, to cultivate students' ability of learning and lifelong learning, and to provide the basis for the reform of mathematics teaching. The main methods used in the research are literature research, investigation, comparative research and action research. The research is mainly divided into four stages: (1) according to the relevant theoretical research, the development of data collection tools: questionnaires and test questions; (2) A total of 151 high school students (149 valid questionnaires and 147 valid papers) from a certain school in Huaiyang County, Henan Province, were investigated and tested simultaneously, and the data were collected by Excel. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software. (3) according to the relevant literature, five dimensions of metacognitive ability test are formed, which are adjustment, consciousness, planning, method and summation of problem solving; (4) further statistical analysis of the development characteristics of metacognitive ability of high school students, especially the development of metacognitive ability in quality class and general class. The main results are as follows: (1) the metacognition of senior high school students based on sequence problem solving and their ability development in each dimension are unbalanced. Consciousness, method and adjustment are at the priority level, the development of other dimensions (planning and summation) is at the middle and lower level, and the influence factors (such as gender) have significant differences in the development of each dimension. (2) Adjustment: the students in the quality class have the habit of taking notes on the wrong questions, and can analyze, check, feedback and so on; (3) Awareness: in the face of difficult sequence problems, there are differences in metacognitive ability development between the two classes; (4) Planning: students in quality classes make detailed plans when they study at ordinary times, but few students in general classes make plans; (5) students in quality classes are better than those in ordinary classes in finding solutions to problems. (6) summing-up: the students of two classes are not good at evaluating and analyzing the process of problem solving, do not change the condition or conclusion of the problem, rethink and solve it, and lack the habit of summing up and introspecting. The study puts forward the following five suggestions: (1) imparting metacognitive knowledge and arousing students' learning initiative; (2) enriching metacognitive experience and arousing students' interest in learning; (3) improving self-monitoring consciousness and cultivating students' metacognitive ability; (4) creating problem situation, activating thinking activity of problem solving, (5) urging metacognition to improve the ability of self-questioning.


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