[Abstract]:Excellent Chinese teachers are at the top of the pyramids of the whole Chinese teachers. They come from excellent teachers, special teachers, but also a small group of people who have surmounted on the basis of excellent teachers and special teachers. Excellent Chinese teachers in Huaibei City have four commonalities: strong motivation for professional development, advanced educational concept, flexible teaching behavior and unique personality charm. The factors of professional growth of outstanding Chinese teachers in Huaibei city include: policy factors, teachers' professional identity, self-development consciousness, self-efficacy, knowledge view of Chinese teachers, knowledge management ability of Chinese teachers, and education and teaching ability of Chinese teachers. The acquirement of pre-employment education theory and the understanding of educational practice, the working environment of school and the living environment of teachers. By analyzing the factors of professional growth of outstanding Chinese teachers in Huaibei City, this paper explores the path of professional growth. At the policy level, we should perfect the teacher access system, perfect the evaluation system of teachers' professional growth, and construct a modular teacher education and training system. Set up the catalogue of teachers' professional growth from the school level, and organize school-based teaching and research activities. Teachers can actively participate in the teaching reform practice by expanding the reading capacity, paying attention to the dynamic learning of the subject, absorbing the advanced educational and teaching ideas, insisting on the innovation of teaching form, and taking part in the teaching reform practice through teaching reflection. Participate in teaching and research projects and insist on exploring teaching research. The professional growth of outstanding Chinese teachers is a process in which Chinese teachers accumulate theoretical and practical knowledge in their long-term teaching practice and transform their educational skills into educational wisdom from teaching craftsmen to educators. Their professional development provides the significance of learning for new Chinese teachers and people who wish to engage in Chinese normal education.
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