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发布时间:2019-06-15 06:55
[Abstract]:In view of the importance of honesty education in the construction of the core values of socialism, the construction of the moral concept in the rural urbanization, the moral education and the development of the personality of the junior high school students, this study tries to make a comprehensive use of the literature method, the observation method, the depth interview method and the text analysis method. The paper studies the honesty education of the junior high school students in the perspective of the moral life. The research is divided into two parts, one is the teaching of moral education, the maintenance of the school system and the establishment of the good example of the school, and the second is on the basis of the investigation. The essence of the school honesty education is thought through the angle of view of the student's moral life. In ord to enrich that theory of good faith education in the school and to improve the practice of the school's good faith education. In the study of the integrity education in the teaching of ideological and moral education, it is found that the integrity education in the teaching of ideological and moral education has the tendency of knowledge. The method mainly comprises the following steps of: firstly, displaying the integrity education target in the form of a "test questions", which relate to the "sense of knowledge", the "understand" and the "use" integrity knowledge; secondly, the content of the integrity education is reduced to the knowledge of the good faith so as to provide an answer for the "test questions"; and thirdly, The method of integrity education is simplified as a "read the back of the back"; fourthly, the integrity education evaluation is changed into a "scoring standard", so that the oral or the paper-pen test students can master how many good faith knowledge is mastered by the students. From the impact of the students, the main performance is: the first, the students' "passion" to the goal of honesty education; the second, the students' "apathy" to the content of the integrity education; the third, the students' "numb" to the credit education method; and the fourth, the students' "anxiety" to the credit education evaluation. In the light of the reflection of the knowledge of honesty education in the teaching of ideological and moral education, there are the following reasons: first, the cultural pattern of the traditional society provides the basis for the knowledge of the integrity education; secondly, the scientism makes the knowledge of the integrity education to be justified; and thirdly, The education of the school with the goal of raising the level of education has made it possible to strengthen the knowledge of the integrity education. In the study of honesty education in the maintenance of the system of the school system, it is found that the credit education in the maintenance of the school system has a tendency to be disciplined. The main performance is as follows: first, the "tension" of good faith norms in daily learning; second, the "slack" of good faith norms in the test; and thirdly, the "ignore" of good faith norms in the interpersonal communication. From the influence of the students, the main performance is as follows: first, the students' "helpless" to the good faith norms in the daily study; the second, the students' "to floust" to the good faith norms in the test; and thirdly, the students' "to doubt the letter" to the good faith norms in the interpersonal communication. In the light of the reflection of honesty education in the maintenance of the system of the school system, there are the following reasons: first, the idea of "economic person" provides the goal of "honesty education"; secondly, the concept of "materialization" provides support for the training of honesty education: third, The development of the living conditions of the rural society makes the education of good faith strengthened. In the study of the credit education in the establishment of the good example of the school, it is found that the school teachers have an insincere phenomenon. The main performance is as follows: the first, the "hidden unfaithful" _ shows the public class; the second, the "untrustworthy" _ class teacher's "management art"; the third, the "abetting the students from being honest" _ student must back the discussion content. From the impact of the students, the main performance is: first, the students' doubts about the world; secondly, the students' doubts about the teachers; and thirdly, the students' isolation to the teachers. In the light of the reflection of the unfaithful phenomenon of the school teachers, the main causes are: first, the elders of the traditional society have opened the gap for the teacher's non-credit; and secondly, the decline of the traditional education practice has promoted the teacher's insincere. Finally, based on the study of the present situation of the credit education of the school, the essence of the integrity education is thought from the perspective of the students' moral life. The result of thinking is that, in the view of the students' moral life, the value of the integrity education should be the "Adult"; the goal of the integrity education should be the person who should cultivate the moral life of good faith; the content of the credit education should be the bridge between the real moral life and the honest moral life; The method of honesty education should be to help the students construct the activities of the moral life of good faith; the teacher-student relationship in the integrity education should be the moral life of the common good faith; the way of the integrity education should be to establish the integrity education system.


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