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发布时间:2020-03-20 02:17
【摘要】:With the rapid development and upgrading of information technology,the application of information technology to education and continuous integration is the performance of education informatization and the trend of education development.Especially in recent years,the latest integrated computer interactive whiteboard represented by Seewo has been vigorously promoted and applHec^and its own series of unique advantages also make teaching more efficient and convenient,accelerate the pace of integration of technology and education.At the same time,as a new generation of interactive whiteboards,the problems of human-computer relationship in the using process and the integration of English disciplines and technology in jirnior higji schools need further research and analysis by researchers to ensure that the new interactive whiteboard can be fully utilized on the basis of being accepted by teachers in order to achieve an effective pPrpose in action.Aiming at the problems mentioned above and combining with different types of junior middle school English teachers,this paper analyses the characteristics and problems of human-machine relationship of junior middle school English teachers in the process of using the whiteboard in practical teaching from the following dimensions:process,method,emotional attitude,use characteristics,existing problems and influencing factors.On this basis,some suggestions and reflections are put forward.This paper is divided into six parts.The first part is the introduction,which mainly elaborates the research background,purpose and significance,research methods,core concepts and domestic and foreign research summaries.The first and second chapters of the paper respectively describe the growth and learning experience of A and B teachers,as well as the application of Seewo whiteboard in classroom teaching,and make a brief analysis and summary.Chapter Ⅲ of the paper focuses on the analysis and summary of the problems existing in the use of A and B teachers,as well as the analysis of the factors affecting their use.Chapter Four,based on the problems raised in Chapter Three and combined with the influencing factors,puts forward relevant strategies and solutions to improve the interactive whiteboard application ability of junior middle school English teachers.Finally,this paper summarizes and reflects on the research,and looks forward to the future.


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