发布时间:2021-05-06 18:43
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:70 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Research purposes and significance
1.2.1 Research purposes
1.2.2 Research significance
1.3 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Grammar
2.2 Textbook evaluation
2.2.1 Definition of textbook evaluation
2.2.2 Approaches to textbook evaluation
2.2.3 Checklists for textbook evaluation
2.3 Empirical research on grammar evaluation in English textbooks
2.3.1 Studies abroad
2.3.2 Studies at home
2.4 Other studies controbuting to grammar evaluation in English textbooks
2.4.1 Approaches to grammar teaching and learning
2.4.2 Principles for grammar teaching and learning
2.4.3 Grammar practice
2.5 Summary of previous studies
3. Theoretical Basis
3.1 Larsen-Freeman's three-dimensional grammar view
3.2 The National English Curriculum Standards for High Schools
3.2.1 Views on grammar and grammar teaching in NECS
3.2.2 Views on English material development in NECS
4. Research Design
4.1 Research questions
4.2 Research methodology
4.2.1 Textual analysis
4.2.2 Questionnaire
4.3 Research subjects
4.4 Data collection and analysis
5. Results and Discussion
5.1 Impressionistic evaluation of grammar modules in Solutions
5.2 Systematic evaluation of grammar modules in Solutions
5.2.1 Selection of grammar items
5.2.2 Layout of grammar items Sequencing of grammar items Staging of grammar items
5.2.3 Presentation of grammar items The way of presenting grammar items Balance between form, meaning and use of grammar items
5.2.4 Design of grammar practice Types and amount of grammar practice Balance between form, meaning and use of grammar practice Integration of grammar practice with language skills
5.3 Textbook users' opinions on grammar modules in Solutions
5.3.1 Opinions on the overall evaluation of grammar modules
5.3.2 Opinions on the arrangement of gramamr items
5.3.3 Opinions on the presentation of gramamr items
5.3.4 Opinions on the design of grammar practice
5.3.5 Summary
6. Conclusions
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
[1]人教版高中英语教材必修1—5(2007)语法教学内容编排的特点[J]. 梁宝玲. 基础外语教育. 2017(01)
[2]国外优秀英语教材词汇和语法的布局、复现及练习方式[J]. 朱茜,徐锦芬. 外语教学理论与实践. 2014(04)
[3]2000-2010年高中英语教材研究文献综述[J]. 刘小燕,吴静. 广西民族师范学院学报. 2011(05)
[4]论我国中小学英语教材的评价标准[J]. 孙平华. 课程.教材.教法. 2006(04)
[5]浅议英语教材的评价标准[J]. 刘道义. 教育实践与研究. 2004(12)
[6]从外语教材编写的宏观设计与微观设计评估教材[J]. 乔爱玲. 山东外语教学. 2002(03)
[7]浅谈外语教材评估标准[J]. 周雪林. 外语界. 1996(02)
[8]介绍一份教材评估一览表[J]. 钱瑗. 外语界. 1995(01)
[9]教学法理论与教材编写的关系[J]. 赵贤州. 世界汉语教学. 1987(03)
[10]论语法[J]. 许国璋. 外语教学与研究. 1986(01)
[1]外研社版与高教版中职英语教材词汇语法内容设计差异对比研究[D]. 骆宇.重庆师范大学 2017
[2]三维语法视角下上海版牛津高中英语教材语法板块的分析研究[D]. 黄秀云.上海师范大学 2017
[3]译林版《牛津高中英语》语法板块内容分析[D]. 庄苏冉.南京师范大学 2017
[4]牛津上海版初中英语教材语法版块的内容分析[D]. 朱芝谊.华东师范大学 2016
[5]两套初中英语教材语法部分整体设计的比较研究[D]. 张艳.山西师范大学 2016
[6]人教版《新高中英语》教材语法内容设计的分析[D]. 杜红红.山东师范大学 2015
[7]人教版高中英语教材语法项目分析[D]. 王必军.天津师范大学 2015
[8]《牛津高中英语》语法体系评价研究[D]. 蔡一凡.南京师范大学 2015
[9]高中英语语法教学与习得顺序调查分析[D]. 陈双.山东师范大学 2014
[10]两套高中英语教材中语法部分的设计研究[D]. 王朝玲.北京外国语大学 2013
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:70 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Research purposes and significance
1.2.1 Research purposes
1.2.2 Research significance
1.3 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Grammar
2.2 Textbook evaluation
2.2.1 Definition of textbook evaluation
2.2.2 Approaches to textbook evaluation
2.2.3 Checklists for textbook evaluation
2.3 Empirical research on grammar evaluation in English textbooks
2.3.1 Studies abroad
2.3.2 Studies at home
2.4 Other studies controbuting to grammar evaluation in English textbooks
2.4.1 Approaches to grammar teaching and learning
2.4.2 Principles for grammar teaching and learning
2.4.3 Grammar practice
2.5 Summary of previous studies
3. Theoretical Basis
3.1 Larsen-Freeman's three-dimensional grammar view
3.2 The National English Curriculum Standards for High Schools
3.2.1 Views on grammar and grammar teaching in NECS
3.2.2 Views on English material development in NECS
4. Research Design
4.1 Research questions
4.2 Research methodology
4.2.1 Textual analysis
4.2.2 Questionnaire
4.3 Research subjects
4.4 Data collection and analysis
5. Results and Discussion
5.1 Impressionistic evaluation of grammar modules in Solutions
5.2 Systematic evaluation of grammar modules in Solutions
5.2.1 Selection of grammar items
5.2.2 Layout of grammar items Sequencing of grammar items Staging of grammar items
5.2.3 Presentation of grammar items The way of presenting grammar items Balance between form, meaning and use of grammar items
5.2.4 Design of grammar practice Types and amount of grammar practice Balance between form, meaning and use of grammar practice Integration of grammar practice with language skills
5.3 Textbook users' opinions on grammar modules in Solutions
5.3.1 Opinions on the overall evaluation of grammar modules
5.3.2 Opinions on the arrangement of gramamr items
5.3.3 Opinions on the presentation of gramamr items
5.3.4 Opinions on the design of grammar practice
5.3.5 Summary
6. Conclusions
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
[1]人教版高中英语教材必修1—5(2007)语法教学内容编排的特点[J]. 梁宝玲. 基础外语教育. 2017(01)
[2]国外优秀英语教材词汇和语法的布局、复现及练习方式[J]. 朱茜,徐锦芬. 外语教学理论与实践. 2014(04)
[3]2000-2010年高中英语教材研究文献综述[J]. 刘小燕,吴静. 广西民族师范学院学报. 2011(05)
[4]论我国中小学英语教材的评价标准[J]. 孙平华. 课程.教材.教法. 2006(04)
[5]浅议英语教材的评价标准[J]. 刘道义. 教育实践与研究. 2004(12)
[6]从外语教材编写的宏观设计与微观设计评估教材[J]. 乔爱玲. 山东外语教学. 2002(03)
[7]浅谈外语教材评估标准[J]. 周雪林. 外语界. 1996(02)
[8]介绍一份教材评估一览表[J]. 钱瑗. 外语界. 1995(01)
[9]教学法理论与教材编写的关系[J]. 赵贤州. 世界汉语教学. 1987(03)
[10]论语法[J]. 许国璋. 外语教学与研究. 1986(01)
[1]外研社版与高教版中职英语教材词汇语法内容设计差异对比研究[D]. 骆宇.重庆师范大学 2017
[2]三维语法视角下上海版牛津高中英语教材语法板块的分析研究[D]. 黄秀云.上海师范大学 2017
[3]译林版《牛津高中英语》语法板块内容分析[D]. 庄苏冉.南京师范大学 2017
[4]牛津上海版初中英语教材语法版块的内容分析[D]. 朱芝谊.华东师范大学 2016
[5]两套初中英语教材语法部分整体设计的比较研究[D]. 张艳.山西师范大学 2016
[6]人教版《新高中英语》教材语法内容设计的分析[D]. 杜红红.山东师范大学 2015
[7]人教版高中英语教材语法项目分析[D]. 王必军.天津师范大学 2015
[8]《牛津高中英语》语法体系评价研究[D]. 蔡一凡.南京师范大学 2015
[9]高中英语语法教学与习得顺序调查分析[D]. 陈双.山东师范大学 2014
[10]两套高中英语教材中语法部分的设计研究[D]. 王朝玲.北京外国语大学 2013