发布时间:2021-07-13 07:46
【文章页数】:64 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background and Purpose of the Study
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Output-driven Hypothesis
2.2 Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Frame
2.2.1 The Concept of Multidimensional Vocabulary
2.2.2 The Classification of Vocabulary Knowledge Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge Productive Vocabulary Knowledge
2.2.3 Dimension of Vocabulary Knowledge
2.3 Instruments for Measuring Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge
2.3.1 Test of Receptive Vocabulary
2.3.2 Test of Productive Vocabulary
2.4 Previous Studies on the Output-driven Hypothesis and Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition abroad and at home
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments and Procedures
3.3.1 Senior High School Entrance Examination
3.3.2 Vocabulary Level Test
3.3.3 Pilot Studies
3.3.4 Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Test
3.3.5 Interview
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results of Vocabulary Test
4.2 Effects of the Individual Output and the Cooperative Output on the Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition
4.3 Differences between the Effects of the Individual Output and the Cooperative Output on the Multidimensional Vocabulary KnowledgeAcquisition
4.4 Differences between the Effects of the Cooperative Output Writing andthe Cooperative Output Non-writing on the Multidimensional VocabularyKnowledge Acquisition
4.5 Results of the Interview
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.2.1 Implications for Researchers
5.2.2 Implications for English Teachers and Learners
5.3 Limitations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
[1]基于输出驱动假设的大学英语口语翻转课堂研究[J]. 董莹莹. 东莞理工学院学报. 2017(04)
[2]“输出驱动—输入促成假设”在英语专业语法教学中的可行性分析[J]. 许晓艳. 才智. 2017(12)
[3]基于输出驱动假设理论的新建本科院校大学英语写作教学模式的构建[J]. 于景梅. 景德镇学院学报. 2017(02)
[4]输出驱动对多维词汇知识习得的影响研究[J]. 王新朋,孔文,王永祥. 外语与外语教学. 2017(01)
[5]输出驱动假设下之“以说促听”听力教学探究[J]. 王峥. 河北工程大学学报(社会科学版). 2016(03)
[6]产出导向法在英语阅读教学中的可行性研究[J]. 黄珍. 江苏第二师范学院学报. 2015(08)
[7]多语词汇知识构念模型:多维度、连接、发展视阈——兼论其理论创新、启示意义与应用价值[J]. 张艳,陈纪梁. 外语研究. 2015(04)
[8]构建“产出导向法”理论体系[J]. 文秋芳. 外语教学与研究. 2015(04)
[9]基于输出驱动假设的词汇教学探索与实践[J]. 银凡. 考试周刊. 2015(47)
[10]词汇呈现方式对多维词汇知识习得的影响研究[J]. 王新朋,束定芳. 外语与外语教学. 2014(06)
[1]基于输出驱动假设的大学英语词汇习得实验研究[D]. 黄珂瑜.湖南大学 2016
[2]词汇知识与阅读理解关系研究[D]. 高亮.东北师范大学 2010
【文章页数】:64 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background and Purpose of the Study
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Output-driven Hypothesis
2.2 Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Frame
2.2.1 The Concept of Multidimensional Vocabulary
2.2.2 The Classification of Vocabulary Knowledge Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge Productive Vocabulary Knowledge
2.2.3 Dimension of Vocabulary Knowledge
2.3 Instruments for Measuring Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge
2.3.1 Test of Receptive Vocabulary
2.3.2 Test of Productive Vocabulary
2.4 Previous Studies on the Output-driven Hypothesis and Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition abroad and at home
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments and Procedures
3.3.1 Senior High School Entrance Examination
3.3.2 Vocabulary Level Test
3.3.3 Pilot Studies
3.3.4 Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Test
3.3.5 Interview
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Results of Vocabulary Test
4.2 Effects of the Individual Output and the Cooperative Output on the Multidimensional Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition
4.3 Differences between the Effects of the Individual Output and the Cooperative Output on the Multidimensional Vocabulary KnowledgeAcquisition
4.4 Differences between the Effects of the Cooperative Output Writing andthe Cooperative Output Non-writing on the Multidimensional VocabularyKnowledge Acquisition
4.5 Results of the Interview
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.2.1 Implications for Researchers
5.2.2 Implications for English Teachers and Learners
5.3 Limitations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
[1]基于输出驱动假设的大学英语口语翻转课堂研究[J]. 董莹莹. 东莞理工学院学报. 2017(04)
[2]“输出驱动—输入促成假设”在英语专业语法教学中的可行性分析[J]. 许晓艳. 才智. 2017(12)
[3]基于输出驱动假设理论的新建本科院校大学英语写作教学模式的构建[J]. 于景梅. 景德镇学院学报. 2017(02)
[4]输出驱动对多维词汇知识习得的影响研究[J]. 王新朋,孔文,王永祥. 外语与外语教学. 2017(01)
[5]输出驱动假设下之“以说促听”听力教学探究[J]. 王峥. 河北工程大学学报(社会科学版). 2016(03)
[6]产出导向法在英语阅读教学中的可行性研究[J]. 黄珍. 江苏第二师范学院学报. 2015(08)
[7]多语词汇知识构念模型:多维度、连接、发展视阈——兼论其理论创新、启示意义与应用价值[J]. 张艳,陈纪梁. 外语研究. 2015(04)
[8]构建“产出导向法”理论体系[J]. 文秋芳. 外语教学与研究. 2015(04)
[9]基于输出驱动假设的词汇教学探索与实践[J]. 银凡. 考试周刊. 2015(47)
[10]词汇呈现方式对多维词汇知识习得的影响研究[J]. 王新朋,束定芳. 外语与外语教学. 2014(06)
[1]基于输出驱动假设的大学英语词汇习得实验研究[D]. 黄珂瑜.湖南大学 2016
[2]词汇知识与阅读理解关系研究[D]. 高亮.东北师范大学 2010