发布时间:2017-05-17 12:02
【关键词】:过程法 写作教学 初中英语
- Abstract5-6
- 摘要6-9
- Chapter One Introduction9-12
- 1.1 Research background9-10
- 1.2 Research significance and purpose10-11
- 1.3 The overall structure of the thesis11-12
- Chapter Two Literature review12-24
- 2.1 Relevant concepts of writing12-14
- 2.1.1 The definition of writing12-13
- 2.1.2 The nature of writing13-14
- 2.2 Product approach to writing14-15
- 2.3 Process approach to writing15-23
- 2.3.1 Definition and features16-17
- 2.3.2 Theoretical basis17-19
- 2.3.3 Relevant studies abroad19-21
- 2.3.4 Relevant studies at home21-22
- 2.3.5 Teaching mode and stages22-23
- 2.4 Summary23-24
- Chapter Three Research methodology24-32
- 3.1 Research questions24
- 3.2 Research participants24-25
- 3.3 Instruments25-26
- 3.3.1 Questionnaires25
- 3.3.2 Interview25-26
- 3.3.3 Tests26
- 3.3.4 SPSS26
- 3.4 Research design26-27
- 3.5 Teaching procedure27-31
- 3.5.1 Teaching procedure in CC28-29
- 3.5.2 Teaching procedure in EC29-31
- 3.6 Data collection31-32
- Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion32-49
- 4.1 Data analysis and discussion of the questionnaires32-40
- 4.1.1 Results of the pre-questionnaire32-36
- 4.1.2 Analysis and discussion of the questionnaires of EC36-40
- 4.2 Data analysis and discussion of the interview40-43
- 4.3 Data analysis and discussion of the six compositions43-44
- 4.4 Data analysis and discussion of the tests44-49
- 4.4.1 Analysis and discussion of the pre-test44-45
- 4.4.2 Analysis and discussion of the post-test45-46
- 4.4.3 Analysis and discussion of the tests of EC46-49
- Chapter Five Conclusion49-52
- 5.1 Major findings49-50
- 5.2 Pedagogical implications50-51
- 5.3 Limitations of the research51
- 5.4 Suggestions for further research51-52
- Bibliography52-55
- Appendix I: Questionnaire on the students’ writing situation55-56
- Appendix II: Interview56-57
- Appendix III: Writing assignment for the pre-test57-58
- Appendix IV: Writing assignment for the post-test58-59
- Appendix V: Standard for evaluation of the compositions59-60
- Appendix VI: Peer editing form60-61
- Appendix VII: Scores of the six compositions, pre-test and post-test61-62
- Acknowledgements62-63
- The list of the research papers published by the author63-64
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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5 姜炳生;英语写作教学中的“过程写作教学法”再研究[J];西安外国语学院学报;2003年04期
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9 韩金龙;英语写作教学:过程体裁教学法[J];外语界;2001年04期
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