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发布时间:2016-11-04 15:51




日本,是我国一衣带水的邻邦,一个我们既陌生又熟悉的国度,几千年来和我国一直有着错综复杂的关系。因其最近一百多年来由一个资源贫乏的落后岛国一跃成为世界上最重要的发达资本主义国家,使其成为远东乃至亚洲发展最值得研究的样本。日本的法律也极具特色,在日本历史上有三次重大的法律移植浪潮:公硕博在线论文网7世纪的“大化改新”、公硕博在线论文网19世纪末的“明治维新”、上世纪二次世界大战战败后的法律革新。这三次法律移植都使当时的日本在法律制度建设上取得了巨大的成就,对其社会发展也产生了巨大的影响。日本的法律移植作为一个成功的范例也一直是世界各国包括我国学者研究的重点对象。但是,尽管对于日本的法律移植研究很多,这些研究大多针对日本的整体法律体系或者某一门法律制度进行研究,这些理论研究往往过于宽泛;同时,由于我国现阶段社会主义法律体系已经建立,大规模的移植整部法律的可能也已不复存在。因此,现阶段这些现有的研究对于我国的法律移植在实践当中的借鉴意 义相对有限。鉴于这种情况,作者选择了一项具体的法律制度——日本公司法人格否认制度来进行法律移植方面的研究,从该制度的成功移植过程、成功移植的因素以及其成功移植的经验和启迪三个方面来剖析,将该制度在日本的形成过程作为个案浅析浅析,以期浅析浅析出其成功移植的真正理由,总结其成功移植的经验和启迪,以此透视日本的法律移植在其法律发展过程中起到的作用,并且借以对于我国的法律移植提出一些具体性的倡议。文章的第一部分主要是叙述日本法律移植的概况并介绍公司法人格否认制度法律移植的具体情况,日本的法律历史从某种程度上也可以理解为日本的法律移植历史,因为在历史上对其产生重大影响法律革新的主要内容都是对于先进国家法律制度的学习借鉴和法律移植。“大化改新”中,日本大量移植唐朝律令制度,并且迈入了封建社会;“明治维新”后,日本以法、德为样本,建立了近代法律体系,并且迅速成为了新型资本主义强国;二战失败后,日本则遵照英美法律再次进行法律革新,完成了其法律现代化过程,从战败后的废墟中迅速调整姿态,完成了经济复苏和跨越式发展,成为了世界第二大经济体。公司法人格否认制度则是日本二战后公司法律移植中一项十分有代表性的制度,该制度起源于英美法系的“揭开公司面纱”理论,在被日本学界引进后由于能够有针对性的解决日本当时存在的大量滥用公司独立人格的案件,因此受到法律实务界的热烈欢迎,但是由于在判定具体情形上又有一些障碍,在日本法院一直受到消极对待,直到在1969年的leading case中,法院正式确立了该制度的适用,才使其真正在日本发展并形成了日本独有的一套法律理论制度。在适用范围上,公司法人格否认制度更近似于英美“揭开公司面纱”理论,但是又针对本国国民公私权不对等和公民避诉的近况,对于公权的诉讼不予适用。而在适用策略和技术上该制度则更近似于德国的“直索制度”。同时,由于公民善于接受调解制度和以和为本的国民思想,该制度又采用了符合本国人民道德传统的“部分人格否认”理论。在两种理论糅合的基础上,日本独立发展出自己的观点,其构成要件从最开始的人格滥用,发展到人格混同作为人格滥用的从理论,直到将人格混同理论提升至与人格滥用理论成为并列可适用的要件,使得公司法人格否认制度最终成为一项适合本国需要、达到法律效果最大化的法律制度。文章第二部分运用法律移植的基本理论对公司法人格否认制度在日本发展的过程和情形进行浅析浅析,在纵向上通过对于该制度的继承-移植-革新的各个阶段进行论述,解释法人格否认制度在日本适用的具体情形,包括人格滥用和人格混同两种情况。同时在该制度移植的具体情形中,则通过横向地浅析浅析政治、经济、文化等方面对于该制度法律移植产生的影响,了解到日本战败后由于对美国的依赖和妥协致使英美判例法在日本找到了存活的土壤,并且直接导致了公司法人格否认制度在日本没有形成成文法,而是以判例的方式继承并延续下来。二战后,日本经济的迅速复苏以及朝鲜战争和越南战争对于市场的大量需求,导致市场上雨后春笋般出现了众多的一人公司和集团公司,大量主体的存在使得公司独立人格滥用和混同的情形也相伴而生,这种经济形势客观上促使公司法人格否认制度有了相应的针对性,得以顺利的引入。而日本的文化传统则使得公司法人格否认制度在日本进行了本土化,使其在理论层面依赖于“中立说”,适用范围被限制在私法领域,对于公司法人格的认定则选取“部分人格否认”的方式,形成了日本独具特色的公司法人格否认制度。文章的第三部分,主要是通过对于日本公司法人格否认制度成功移植的浅析浅析,来探讨日本法律移植在其法律发展过程中体现的若干经验以及对于我国的启迪。其经验主要包括,成功的法律基础建设使法律学者成为了该制度理念引入的先驱,而众多的律师是该制度在实践中广泛适用的中坚力量,各法律行业之间的沟通则是该制度最终在日本确立的关键。开放的法律移植思维、善于将舶来品本土化的民族性,使得该制度在移植的过程中广泛吸取养分,没有照本宣科,也没有产生水土不服,而是成为了一种具有本国特色的法律制度。而Z公司法人格否认制度本身作为建立在市场经济基础上的技术立法,使得在移植的过程中具有与英美德各国同样的适用基础,其移植也具有天然的优势。我国作为一个在法律制度上的发展中大国,很多法律制度的移植也都存在一定的缺陷,因此日本公司法人格否认制度作为法律移植的成功样本,对其进行深入研究,也可以提炼出很多值得我国借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 Japan is our neighbor country, which one is both strange and familiar to us; it has a complicated relationship with our country for thousands of years. In the latest 100 years, it became one of the world’s most important developed capitalist countries from a resource-poor island, as an example, it is very worth studying for us. Japan’s law is also extremely characteristic. In Japanese the history, there are three major legal transplant tides:the "Taika Era reforms" in the 7th century, "Meiji restoration" in the 19th century, and the legal reform after the World War II defeat. These three legal transplant tides have made great achievements in the development of the Japan’s society. Japan’s legal transplants as a successful example have been an important object for the world including Chinese scholars. But, although there is lots of Japan’s legal transplant research, these studies are against Japan’s overall legal system or a legal system, these theories are too broad; Meanwhile, because our country’s socialist legal system has been established, transplants a full-length law may also has ceased to exist, so these broad research for our country’s legal transplant practice meaning also is very limited. In the view of this situation, the author chose a specific law——Disregard of corporate personality to study, research its successfully transplanted process, the factors and experience, to analyze the real reason for its success, and find some Suggestions for our country’s legal transplant.The first part of the article mainly describes the general legal transplant situation in Japan, the Japanese law history can also understand as the Japan’s legal transplant history from some extent. The main content of the legal reform which significant influence in Japan’s history is transplant legal systems from advanced countries. During the "Taika Era reforms", Japan transplanted tang regulation system and ushered in feudal society; After the "Meiji restoration", Japan study Germany and French as samples, established the modern legal system, and quickly become a new capitalist power; After the failure of World War II, Japan complied with Anglo-American law and reformed again, completed its legal modernization process, Japan also adjusted the attitude rapidly, completed the economic recovery and great-leap-forward development, became the world’s second-largest economy system. Disregard of corporate personality system is one typical system of the legal transplant Japanese company law, the system originated in Anglo-American law "uncover the corporate veil" system, introduced by the Japanese scholars in due to targeted solved Japanese significant abusing independent company personality, so the case was warm welcome by lawyers, but there are some obstacles in judgment situation, so the Japanese court had been negative treated it for a long time, until 1969, the leading case establishment of this system applicable, and truly developed and formed their own legal theory system in Japan.The second part of the article using the basic theory of legal transplant to research the Disregard of corporate personality system’s development process and situation analysis, study the two situations of the Disregard of corporate personality. While in this system is analysis of political, economic, cultural and diplomatic reasons for it. Know that Japan after the defeated and had dependence and compromise by American.so the case law in Japan found survival soil. This lead to be the regard of corporate personality system in Japan became a case law. Understands Japan after World WarⅡ, Japan’s economic recovery rapidly and the Vietnam war for market in great demand, cause the market have sprung up a lot of one-man company and group company, a large number of main body exist that make independent company personality abuse the situation has consequential, this economic situation ordered Disregard of corporate personality. But Japan’s traditional culture made Disregard of corporate personality in Japan became a location system.The third part of the article is the research of the Japanese Disregard of corporate personality system’s ideas and experience, mainly including the legal scholars become pioneers to introduce this system, and numerous lawyers it the nucleus of this system’s introduction. The open legal transplant thinking ways, the Japanese are good at the reconstruction and the combination; make this system into its own characteristics. And Disregard of corporate personality system itself as a company law system is established in market economy, make it in the process of the applicable with the same basis, and the transplant also have natural advantage. Our country as a legal system major developing country, many legal system transplantations also have some shortcomings, so the success of Japanese Disregard of corporate personality also is a good sample, understand the concept of Japan, also can refine out a lot of worth some experience for our country’s reference.

【关键词】 公司法; 法人格否认制度; 日本法律移植;
【Key words】 Company Law; Disregard of corporate personality; Japanese Legal transplant;

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