德国劳动法之体系与基本原理【精品分享】.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
第 9 卷第 2 期大连海事大学学报( 社会科学版) Vol. 9, No. 2 2010 年 4 月 Journal of Dalian Maritime University ( Social Sciences Edition) Apr. 2010文章编号: 1671 7041( 2010) 02 0056 05德国劳动法之体系与基本原理Detlev Joost摘要: 对德国劳动法领域中的重要问题作简要介绍, 指出个体劳动法为保护弱势方的雇员所作出的不同于一般民法的特殊规则, 介绍集体劳动法中不同层面上的雇员集体利益的实现, 并阐述德国劳动法的发展前景。关键词: 德国; 个体劳动法; 集体劳动法中图分类号: DF47 文献标志码: ASystem and basic principles of German labor lawDetlev JoostAbstract: The paper gave a brief introduction to the most important issues of the German labor law. It pointed out that the individual labor law contains a lot of special regulations w hich aredifferent from t hese in the general civil law to protect employeesas the w eaker party against employers. T hen it introduced therealization of collective interests of w orkers in various levels incollective labor law . Finally it elaborated the prospect of Germanlabor law...