本文选题:农民工 + 权益 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在我国市场化、工业化、城市化并存的进程中,始于20世纪80年代初的“民工潮”不断上涨,到目前为止,我国的农民工已突破一个亿。城市农民工已经日益成为一个不容忽视的规模巨大的特殊社会群体,他们为城市创造了巨大的社会效益和经济效益,但却始终游离在城市和农村的边缘,得不到基本的身份认同,更难受到社会保障的惠顾。这不仅严重地阻碍了我国城市化的进程,也不利于“三农问题”的解决。农民工权益保护问题已经关系到国家的政治和社会秩序的稳定,成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。 本文首先从介绍农民工的基本情况入手,分析了农民工群体的成因和特点,并针对农民工的流动性程度不同将其分成三类,在此基础上结合具体的数据和事实概括了对农民工劳动权、社会保障权、教育(培训)权保护中存在的问题。 其次对经济法的理念、价值和功能进行分析,经济法追求的是一种实质公平,经济法的分配功能也具有整体公平性,这些正是经济法对农民工权益保护的特殊意义所在。另外,经济法独特的调整对象和调整方式也决定了其在农民工权益保护中的特殊作用。 最后提出了具体的对策,由于经济法理念追求的是一种实质的公平正义,不是表面的平等,而是根据不同情况不同对待,所以在这一理念指导下本文的对策主要分为对农民工实行与城镇职工一体化保护的对策,根据农民工自身特点实行区别于城镇职工的保护对策以及其它法律、制度的配合措施。在对农民工实行一体化保护对策方面,本文建议取消对农民工的就业限制、健全农民工就业服务体系、将农民工纳入城镇职工工伤保险体系、举办公共工程,为农民工子女提供平等的受教育机会。在根据农民工自身特点实行区别于城镇职工的保护对策方面,本文建议制定适合农民工的医疗保险参保办法、设计适合农民工的养老保险参保模式。对农民工权益的保护只靠经济法的力量是不够的,还需要其它相关法律和制度的配合,本文建议建立欠薪保障机制、加强政府的执法和监督力度以及建立法律援助制度。
[Abstract]:In the process of the coexistence of marketization, industrialization and urbanization in our country, the "folk labor tide" which began in the early 1980s has been rising continuously. Up to now, the migrant workers in our country have exceeded 100 million. Urban migrant workers have increasingly become a huge and special social group which can not be ignored. They have created huge social and economic benefits for the city, but they have always been isolated from the edge of the city and the countryside. Without basic identity, it is more difficult to be patronized by social security. This not only seriously hinders the process of urbanization in China, but also is not conducive to the solution of the "three rural issues". The protection of the rights and interests of migrant workers has become a social problem which can not be ignored because of the stability of national political and social order. This paper begins with the introduction of the basic situation of migrant workers, analyzes the causes and characteristics of migrant workers, and divides them into three categories according to the different degree of mobility of migrant workers. On this basis, the problems in the protection of migrant workers' right to labor, social security and education (training) are summarized in combination with specific data and facts. Secondly, the concept, value and function of economic law are analyzed. What economic law pursues is a kind of substantive fairness, and the distribution function of economic law also has overall fairness. These are the special significance of economic law to the protection of migrant workers' rights and interests. In addition, the special object and mode of adjustment of economic law also determine its special role in protecting the rights and interests of migrant workers. Finally, the concrete countermeasures are put forward, because the idea of economic law pursues a kind of substantive fairness and justice, not superficial equality, but different treatment according to different circumstances. Therefore, under the guidance of this concept, the countermeasures are mainly divided into the implementation of migrant workers and urban workers integrated protection countermeasures, according to the characteristics of migrant workers to implement the protection strategy different from the urban workers and other laws, system cooperation measures. In the aspect of integrated protection for migrant workers, this paper proposes to abolish the employment restrictions on migrant workers, improve the employment service system of migrant workers, bring migrant workers into the work injury insurance system of urban workers, and hold public works. To provide equal educational opportunities for the children of migrant workers. In accordance with the characteristics of migrant workers to implement the protection measures different from the urban workers, this paper proposes to formulate appropriate medical insurance for migrant workers to participate in insurance methods, designed suitable for migrant workers pension insurance model. The protection of the rights and interests of migrant workers is not enough by economic law, but also needs the cooperation of other relevant laws and systems. This paper proposes to establish a mechanism of protection of unpaid wages, to strengthen the law enforcement and supervision of the government and to establish a legal aid system.
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