[Abstract]:According to statistics, because of the labor dispute caused by the transfer behavior, it accounts for 20% of the labor dispute, but unfortunately, the regulation of the transfer behavior is not perfect. To allow enterprises to transfer under certain circumstances is the practical need to maintain the autonomy of employment, but improper transfer will damage the rights of workers and intensify labor conflicts. Based on the current situation of legal regulation on transfer in China, this paper makes some attempts to perfect the legal regulation of transfer. The first part of the article analyzes the necessity of legal regulation of transfer. The transfer behavior can greatly improve the flexibility of the employment of enterprises, which is the realistic demand for enterprises to face the drastic changes in the market and optimize the enterprise structure. The necessity of the transfer behavior is affirmed from a positive point of view. At the same time, this paper analyzes the adverse effects of the transfer behavior on the workers' independent choice, rest right and labor compensation right, and analyzes the necessity of the legal regulation of the transfer behavior from the angle of safeguarding the workers' rights. Finally, the legal regulation of transfer is to achieve the legislative purpose of balancing the interests of labor and management, and to prevent the excessive protection of the interests of one party from making the interests of both employers and employees out of balance. The second part of the article is based on the current situation, analyzes the current situation of legal regulation of transfer behavior in China. Because the labor supervision department thinks that the transfer dispute should be settled by litigation and arbitration, the author analyzes it from the angle of legislation and judicature. In the legislative aspect, the author combs the relevant legislation for the statutory transfer, but for the agreed transfer, there are no relevant legal provisions, can only refer to the legal provisions on the change of labor contract, which has produced a lot of disputes in judicial practice. From the judicial point of view, the author sorted out 40 relevant cases, selected some typical cases, summed up the specific elements considered when the court found that the transfer behavior is reasonable in the judicial decision. Through the second part of the analysis, there are some problems in the legal regulation of transfer behavior, so in the third part, it mainly analyzes the specific problems existing in the legal regulation of transfer behavior. First of all, the legal provisions on the agreed transfer are blank, and there are no small conflicts in the trial opinions issued by various localities. Some think that the terms of the agreed transfer are valid. Some think that the labor contract change needs to be "consensus" breakthrough, should be invalid. But regarding the agreement transfer this question, our country law does not have the explicit explanation. Second, the legal provisions of the transfer procedure are missing. It is necessary not only to regulate the transfer, but also to regulate the procedure. Third, in the concrete judicial decision, the court does not form a judgment system for the rationality of the transfer behavior, and the phenomenon of different judgments in the same case is more serious. The fourth part will provide some suggestions to improve the legal regulation of transfer behavior. First of all, it is necessary for the law to make specific provisions for the agreed transfer. The author makes a comparative analysis of the theories of general agreement, labor contract theory, denial theory, and at the same time, considering the present situation of our country, thinks that the terms of agreement and transfer should be effective and should be clearly explained in the law; second, The author thinks that there should be at least three steps to make the transfer procedure more perfect. Thirdly, in view of the problem that the standard of reasonable judgment of transfer behavior is not uniform, the author constructs a system of judgment about rationality, hoping that in the future it can be stipulated by way of judicial interpretation and unified with the judgment standard of rationality.
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