本文选题:小产权房 切入点:合法化 出处:《扬州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The interim regulations on the Registration of Real Estate, which began to be implemented on March 1, 2015, once again triggered a heated debate on the legalization of small property houses. Small property houses have once again become headlines in the news media. Small property houses generally refer to houses built on collective land in rural areas. They do not pay fees for the sale of land, and their property rights certificates are not issued by the state housing management department. Instead, they are issued by the township government or the village government, also known as "township property houses." "small property houses" are actually not a statutory concept. It's a form of social practice. These properties don't have land use certificates or pre-sale permits issued by the state. The contract to buy a house will not be put on record by the Land and Housing Administration. In recent years, the number of small property houses has gradually increased and the price has also increased year by year. The huge profit margin has prompted more small property houses to come out of the world, but, The unique land system of our country has caused the awkward situation of the status of the small property house. The emergence of the small property house in our country has its special system and economic background, which has caused many social contradictions and subsequent problems. For the sake of social stability and development, Our government has to find a solution as soon as possible. However, how to properly handle small property houses is also the core of most concern in the whole society. Because they are in the gray area of the law, they also involve a wide range of people. Therefore, we must also be cautious in dealing with it. This paper has the following five parts: the first part is an introduction, which mainly describes the understanding of the term "small property house" and the historical origin of small property right house. The second part discusses some social contradictions and conflicts of interest brought about by the appearance of the small property right house in the process of land circulation, which is mainly manifested in the conflict of interest between the government and the rural collectives in the process of land circulation. The conflict of interest distribution in the process of land development. Through the analysis of these interests, we can see that the problem of small property houses must be solved and cannot be solved. The third part mainly expounds the research value of small property houses under the current social situation. The fourth and fifth parts are the main part of this paper. The fourth part is divided into two modules, which analyze the necessity of legalizing the small property house from the theory level and the social reality level respectively. As for the fifth part, It is the author's views and suggestions on the legalization of small property houses. The feasible way to legalize small property houses is put forward. This paper briefly expounds some suggestions on the safeguard mechanism related to the legalization of small property right houses on the way, and looks forward to a reasonable and just solution to the problem of small property houses.
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