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发布时间:2018-05-19 04:02

  本文选题:经营者 + 场所 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the emergence of various leisure and entertainment places has not only satisfied the material and cultural needs of the masses and increased the fun of life, but also posed a threat to the personal and property safety of the public at the same time. The dispute of damages caused by the operator's breach of the duty of safety and security of the place is often reported in the newspaper. With the increasing of the public's legal consciousness and the introduction of the relevant legislation in our country, the responsibility of the operator's duty to ensure the safety of the place has been paid more and more attention to by all walks of life. However, due to the lack of perfect legal norms and related systems for the duty of safety and security of operators in our country, it is often difficult to define clearly the responsibility of operators for breach of their obligations in judicial practice. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the theoretical problems of the duty of safety and security of the operator's place, and then clarify the responsibility of the duty of safety and security of the operator's place, how to assume and so on, so as to provide a reference for the further improvement of the relevant legislation of our country. It lays a foundation for solving the problem of responsibility recognition in judicial practice. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper includes the following four parts: the first part, the basic theory of the operator's duty of safety and security. This part mainly combs the concept, the content, the theory basis and the legal principle basis of the operator's place safety guarantee duty. First, the duty of the operator to ensure the safety of the place is the obligation of the operator to protect his personal and property safety to the consumer, the potential consumer, etc., The content of the duty of safety and security of operator's place includes both hardware and software. Thirdly, the theoretical basis of the duty of safety and security of operator's place can be summarized as the theory of risk control. The basic principles of civil law, such as the principle of good faith and the principle of equality, are the basis of the theory of consistent income and risk and the optimal theory of cost. The second part, the principle of imputation of violating the duty of safety and security. In this part, the author expatiates on the academic viewpoint and practice of liability imputation principle of operator's place safety and security, and puts forward the point of view that the principle of presumption of fault liability should be applied. The third part, the operator violates the place safety guarantee duty confirmation. It includes the cognizance of the perpetrator's fault, how to judge the behavior of violating the duty of safety and security of the place, the occurrence of the damage fact and the determination of the causality between the act and the damage. The author thinks that the general standard can be determined by the standard of kind-hearted manager, and at the same time, the more strict standard can be applied to the special circumstances. In the fourth part, the author discusses the problems and perfection of tort liability in violation of safety and security obligations, and proposes to increase the legal norms such as the judgment standard of operator's fault in legislation, the applicable principle of liability imputation and the distribution of burden of proof, etc. At the same time, the concrete method of responsibility sharing is constructed to provide reference for the perfection of the duty system of safety and security of the operators in our country.


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