本文选题:特殊动产 + 一物数卖 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the increasing of the phenomenon of the sale of special movable property, the ownership of the subject matter, the maintenance of transaction security, and the connection between legal theory and system when regulating the phenomenon, it becomes more and more serious. The current legislation and judicial interpretation of our country have related regulations on the sale of special movable property, but they are not clear and controversial. Therefore, this paper will focus on the central issue of ownership of special movable property, point out the legislative status and disputes of the mode of real right change of special movable property, analyze the focus of the dispute and draw the opinion of this paper. On this premise, the article 10 of the interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the legal issues applicable to the trial of disputes over contracts of sale and purchase (hereinafter referred to as "the interpretation of the contract of purchase and sale") is interpreted and evaluated. Finally, it classifies the ownership of the sale of special movable property and draws the exploratory conclusion in each case. Except the introduction part, the article includes the following five parts. In the first part, the author analyzes the legislative situation of the mode of real right change of special movable property in our country, and points out that the stipulation of Article 24 of Real right Law is not clear, which has aroused the controversy in academic circles. This paper analyzes its essential meaning and summarizes these viewpoints. The second part has carried on the positive analysis to the theory dispute essential question, believed that the special movable property one thing sale ownership question crux lies in: "delivery" and "the registration" the validity relation difference, This is where scholars come up with different views. Under this understanding, the author analyzes and demonstrates the ought mode of the change of real right of special movable property in our country under the current law. By means of text meaning, system, purpose explanation and so on, the author concludes that the mode of change of real right of special movable property in our country should be "delivered to take effect". In this model, the effectiveness of registration and delivery is explained, and the legislative intent of "without registration against bona fide third parties" is clarified. The third part interprets Article 10 of the contract of Sale and purchase, and holds that when the Supreme people's Court formulates this provision, it creates a system of performance order rules, but under the system of rules, "according to delivery and registration," Priority is given to the order in which the contract is established, especially in the event of a conflict between delivery and registration. " The order of performance pays too much attention to the purpose of negating the seller's right of free choice in the case of one sale based on the principle of good faith and neglecting the protection of the buyer's interests. The author comments on the four items and points out many contradictions between them and the current legislation. The fourth part, on the basis of the above, only analyzes the ownership of the special movable property in order to extract the representative types around the issues of "delivery" and "registration". Finally, the author draws the exploratory conclusion about ownership attribution in their respective situations, in order to offer different attempts to solve the problem. The fifth part is the conclusion, which restates the crux of the problem of ownership of special movable property, and puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of Article 24 of the property Law and Article 10 of the contract of Sale and purchase. This paper summarizes the idea of solving the problem of ownership of the number of sale of special movable property in this paper, and finally puts forward the tentative idea of solving the problem.
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