[Abstract]:In today's commercial society, with the rapid development of modern media and advertising industry, the value of property in the right of personality has become increasingly prominent. As a part of the right of personality, the property value of the right of name can not be ignored. At the same time, the commercialization of the right to name has brought about a series of new legal problems. However, at present, the laws, regulations and theoretical research on the commercialization of the right to name in our country are far from meeting the people's needs for protecting the wealth brought by the commercialization of the right to name. The legislation of the commercialization of the right to name is relatively vague, the academic research achievements on the commercialization of the right to name are not comprehensive and rich, and the treatment of the commercialization of the right to name is not unified in the process of judicial practice, which leads to the commercialization of the right to name in the process, the rights and obligations of the obligee and its stakeholders are difficult to determine. The mode of legal protection for the commercialization of the right to name should be perfected in the light of China's actual conditions, the legal system for the commercialization of the right to name should be perfected, the property interests in the right to name should be affirmed, the compensation standards for the infringement of the right to name should be determined, and the liability of the right holder of the right to name should bear when abusing the right to cause damage to others.
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