[Abstract]:A mansion should be defined as a house in which an unusual death has occurred. In making relevant laws and regulations, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, we can judge whether to inform the villain according to the importance of the information, the possibility of disclosure, the rationality of expectation and the density of trust. In the case of a mansion contract, the buyer may invoke provisions on fraud or major misunderstanding to revoke the contract. Abnormal death in the house is a defect, the seller should assume the liability for the defect guarantee. The seller shall be liable for breach of the obligation of notification before contracting. The buyer may revoke the contract and claim liability for negligence in contracting; if the contract is maintained, the liability for warranty for defects may be exclusive. In the case of a house being a villain, the duty of investigation of the moderator should be recognized in a conditional manner. The buyer may choose to claim the liability for breach of contract or tort if the house broker violates the duty of informing or failing to fulfill the duty of investigation, and if the intermediary person of the house is negligent, he will only be liable for breach of contract, if there is a common intention between the house broker and the seller, the buyer may choose to claim liability for breach of contract or tort.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CFX055) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2016M591804)
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