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发布时间:2018-01-29 22:37

  本文关键词: 律师 律师职业道德 法治中国 出处:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the construction of the rule of law in China and the deepening of the concept of governing the country according to law, the social status of lawyers has also been improved in a good atmosphere of rule of law. Although the subject status of lawyers is different from the status of public officials of state organs, under the background of the rule of law in China, the working duties of lawyers are similar to those of national public officials, that is, they shoulder the responsibility of maintenance. To supervise the correct application and enforcement of national laws and regulations and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, under the rule of law in China, as lawyers have the obligation to uphold national laws, laws and regulations to apply and enforce correctly. To resolve social disputes and promote the development of the culture of rule of law, therefore, the level of lawyers' professional ethics will directly affect the performance of lawyers' duties, the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the people. This paper includes the following five parts: the first part is the introduction, including the research background and significance; Literature review; Research methods; The second part mainly discusses the overview of the professional ethics of lawyers in China under the rule of law, including the overview of the rule of law in China: the connotation of the rule of law; The basic requirements of ruling by law in China; The characteristics of the rule of law in China. An overview of lawyers' professional ethics: mainly discusses the connotation of lawyers' professional ethics; The content of lawyer's professional ethics; The characteristics of lawyers' professional ethics. The significance of strengthening the construction of lawyers' professional ethics from the perspective of the rule of law in China: the main discussion is to strengthen the construction of lawyers' professional ethics is the inevitable requirement of promoting the rule of law in China; Strengthening the construction of lawyers' professional ethics is the key link to promote social fairness and justice; Strengthening the construction of lawyers' professional ethics is the inherent need to improve the quality of lawyers. The third part mainly discusses the current situation of China's lawyers' professional ethics under the rule of law, including the achievements of our country's lawyers' professional ethics. The expression of professional ethics of lawyers in our country: pursue fame and gain, the peer is light; The ideal is indifferent, the good faith is lacking; The business is not fine, the accomplishment is not enough; Part 4th mainly discusses the causes of the professional ethics of lawyers in China under the rule of law, including the negative impact of the business environment; Lack of personal professional belief; The learning education is relatively weak; Part 5th mainly discusses how to strengthen the study of professional ethics of lawyers in China under the rule of law in order to strengthen the ideal and belief of lawyers. Pay attention to education and training to improve lawyer's practice ability and accomplishment level; Perfect external supervision and support system; Improve the lawyer's practice environment. This paper combines the four aspects of the lawyer's ideal and belief, the ability to practise and the level of accomplishment, the external supervision and support system and the practice environment. A comprehensive analysis of the improvement of lawyers' professional ethics countermeasures.


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