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发布时间:2018-03-18 19:30

  本文选题:多元纠纷解决机制 切入点:诉前调解 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform of the registration system, the maritime courts and ordinary courts have all appeared the problem of "litigation explosion". The maritime courts have been under increasing pressure to hear cases, and the diversified channels for resolving maritime disputes have gradually attracted people's eyes. Pre-litigation mediation is an important way to resolve the pressure of maritime court cases. On 2004, the Supreme people's Court promulgated the provisions on Civil Mediation in the people's Court. At the same time, article 122 of the newly revised Civil procedure Law on 2012 also provided a further basis for the people's court to conduct pre-litigation mediation. In the provisions of the Supreme people's Court concerning specially invited Mediation of the people's Court, formulated on 2016, It is clear that the people's court can relieve the pressure of trial work by entrusting mediation. At present, all maritime courts mainly use court self-mediation and entrusting other mediation organizations or individuals in the practice of pre-litigation mediation. The two pre-litigation mediation modes resolve maritime disputes. However, under the current mediation mode, There are still some legal problems which lead to the difficulty of effective implementation of the mechanism of pre-litigation mediation and the difficulty of alleviating the practical pressure of maritime trial work in China. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the pre-litigation mediation of maritime disputes. Learn from the specific methods of pre-litigation mediation in ADR of the United States, and put forward corresponding suggestions to improve the problems existing in the pre-litigation mediation of maritime disputes in China. In order to promote the effective implementation of pre-litigation mediation of maritime disputes in China, the full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the pre-litigation mediation system of maritime courts, which mainly introduces the concept of pre-litigation mediation in maritime disputes. The differences between pre-litigation mediation and filed mediation are emphasized, and the scope of pre-litigation mediation in maritime disputes and the differences between pre-litigation mediation in maritime disputes and civil disputes before litigation are clarified. The second chapter mainly analyzes the problems existing in the pre-litigation mediation system of maritime courts in our country, which is manifested in the lack of clear scope of cases and poor supervision of mediation work. The fund guarantee of the mediation system is insufficient and the traditional mediation concept has a negative impact on the operation effect of the pre-lawsuit mediation mechanism. The third chapter mainly introduces some specific methods of the pre-lawsuit mediation system in the ADR of the United States. Chapter 4th, mainly from the point of view of maritime court and maritime dispute parties, shows the great significance of perfecting the current system of pre-litigation mediation of maritime disputes in China. And from defining the scope of application of pre-litigation mediation of maritime disputes, and perfecting the corresponding training and supervision mechanism of mediators, In the aspects of perfecting the financial support of the relevant laws and regulations to guarantee the mediation system and strengthening the publicity of the general law of maritime courts and the connection of litigation and adjustment, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the pre-litigation mediation system of maritime disputes in China.


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