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发布时间:2018-05-14 11:28

  本文选题:不得强迫自证己罪 + 原则 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:关于不得强迫自证己罪的规定最早出现于英国的法律当中,随后在其它国家也得到了很好的完善和发展。各个国家的法律对不得强迫自证己罪的表述都不同,其中联合国制定的《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中对不得强迫自证己罪的规定得到了公认。大多数国家也都将不得强迫自证己罪作为公民的一项基本人权予以保障。不得强迫自证己罪在我国的发展进程比较缓慢,直到2012年我国立法机关对《刑事诉讼法》修改之前,,除了在一些学者的法律建议稿中,在我国的法律条文中找不到关于不得强迫自证己罪的规定。本文以此次刑事诉讼法的修改为契机,对我国刑事诉讼法中的不得强迫自证己罪规则进行研究。 文章通过中西对不得强迫自证己罪的对比解读,分析中国法律中的不得强迫自证己罪。首先,文章阐述了不得强迫自证己罪在国外的规定,介绍了不得强迫自证己罪的起源、内涵及地位。其次,文章以我国对不得强迫自证己罪的规定为视角,介绍了我国不得强迫自证己罪的确立过程及对不得强迫自证己罪的理解。最后,文章对中国不得强迫自证己罪规则不完善的原因作出了分析,主要是因为我国之前和现在尚不具备适合不得强迫自证己罪发展的有利法制环境。 我国刑事诉讼法中的不得强迫自证己罪规定还存在着许多不完善的地方。虽然说我国此次刑事诉讼法修改,在法条中增加了体现不得强迫自证己罪精神的条款,但是,我国刑事诉讼法对不得强迫自证己罪的规定并非尽善尽美,还存在一些问题。文章主要在条文位置、适用范围、例外规定、制度配套及不得强迫自证己罪与如实陈述规定之间关系这几个方面对其在我国刑事诉讼法中存在的问题作了说明和解释。 针对上文问题笔者提出了一些完善性建议。在文章最后阐述了不得强迫自证己罪规则的具体适用路径,具体包括将不得强迫自证己罪规则上升为不得强迫自证己罪原则、明确其权利主体及保护客体、规定不得强迫自证己罪的例外情形和逐步确立沉默权制度。这几个方面是在中国刑事诉讼法律中确立不得强迫自证己罪制度所必须面对和所要解决的问题。只有解决好这几个问题,才能在我国刑事诉讼中更好地适用不得强迫自证己罪。
[Abstract]:The rule of forcible self-incrimination first appeared in the law of England, and then developed well in other countries. The law of each country is different in the expression of the crime of not forcing oneself to testify, and the stipulation of the crime of not forcing oneself to testify in the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights made by the United Nations has been generally accepted. In most countries, forcible self-incrimination is also guaranteed as a fundamental human right of citizens. The process of development of self-incriminating crimes in our country must not be forced to be relatively slow until 2012, before the legislature amended the Criminal procedure Law, except in the legal proposals of some scholars. We can not find the stipulation that no self-incriminating can be forced in our country. This article takes the amendment of the criminal procedure law as an opportunity to study the rule of non-compulsive self-incrimination in the criminal procedure law of our country. In this paper, the author analyzes the crime of forcible self-incrimination in Chinese law through the contrastive interpretation of non-compulsive self-incrimination between Chinese and western countries. First of all, the article expounds the provisions of forcible self-incrimination in foreign countries, and introduces the origin, connotation and status of self-incrimination. Secondly, from the point of view of our country's stipulation on the crime of forcible self-incrimination, this paper introduces the establishment process of self-incriminating crime and the understanding of self-incriminating crime of non-compulsive self-incrimination in our country. Finally, the paper analyzes the reasons why the rules of self-incrimination are not perfect in China, mainly because China did not have a favorable legal environment which is suitable for the development of self-incriminating crime before and at present. There are still many imperfections in the stipulation of non-compulsive self-incrimination in our criminal procedure law. Although the amendment of our country's criminal procedure law adds a clause to reflect the spirit of self-incriminating, but the stipulation of our criminal procedure law is not perfect, there are still some problems. The article explains and explains the problems existing in the criminal procedure law of our country from the following aspects: the position of the articles, the scope of application, the exception provisions, the system matching and the relationship between the self-incrimination and the truthfulness of the criminal procedure law. In view of the above question, the author puts forward some perfect suggestions. At the end of the article, the author expounds the specific application path of the rule of self-incrimination, including elevating the rule of non-compulsive self-incrimination to the principle of non-compulsion of self-incrimination, clarifying the subject of right and the object of protection. The exception of self-incriminating crime and the establishment of the right to silence system are stipulated. These aspects are the problems that must be faced and solved to establish the system of self-incriminating in Chinese criminal procedure law. Only by solving these problems can we apply the crime of self-incrimination in our criminal procedure.


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